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时间 :2016年10月08日 10时00分

地点 :重庆大学虎溪校区图书馆1F-8学术厅

主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部

协办单位 :重庆大学材料科学与工程学院

Plasmonics at the Space-Time Limit

主讲人 :Martin Aeschlimann教授


The optical response of llic nanostructures exhibits fascinating properties: local field interference effects that lead to strong variations of the near field distribution on a subwavelength scale, local field enhancement, and long lasting electronic coherences. Coherent control in general exploits the phase properties of light fields to manipulate coherent processes. Originally developed for molecular systems these concepts have recently been adapted also to nano-optical phenomena. Consequently, the combination of ultrafast laser spectroscopy, i.e. illumination with broadband coherent light sources, and near-field optics, opens a new realm for nonlinear optics on the nanoscale.

To circumvent the experimental limitation of optical diffraction we use a photoemission electron microscope (PEEM) that has been proved to be a versatile tool for the investigation of near field properties of nanostructures with a spatial resolution of only a few nanometers and that allows for new spectroscopy techniques with ultrafast time resolution. In this talk it will be shown that the excitation of nanostructures with broadband laser pulses and the control of the near field properties open the route for logical processing elements on a nanometer and femtosecond scale whereas the time resolved spectroscopy technique gives deeper insight into the underlying microscopic processes.

[1] M. Aeschlimann et al, Nature 446, 301 (2007)

[2] M. Aeschlimann et al, PNAS 107, 5329 (2010)

[3] M. Aeschlimann et al, Science 333, 1723 (2011)

[4] M. Aeschlimann et al, Nature Photonics, 9, 663 (2015)


Martin Aeschlimann教授是德国Kaiserslautern大学物理系终身讲席教授。现任德国物理学会凝聚态物理分会主席(2015-), 光学与材料科学研究中心OPTIMAS,纳米结构中心NSC和先进自旋工程研究中心LASE主任。作为国际公认的将超快飞秒激光技术与表面科学有机结合的领军科学家,他在超快时间-自旋-位置分辨的电子能谱与显微学领域与磁光霍尔效应领域具有重要的学术影响力。他发展了一系列的实验技术与手段,来研究强关联体系、磁性材料与有机半导体材料中电子,声子与自旋这三者间的耦合与弛豫现象。他也引领了人工超结构超快光电子显微学这一新兴领域。

作者 :工程学部

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