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时间 :2016年09月23日 16时30分

地点 :A区综合实验大楼319 会议室

主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部

协办单位 :重庆大学材料科学与工程学院

Growth of Epitaxial III-V Semiconductor Nanowires

主讲人 :Prof. Jin Zou

III-V semiconductor nanowires and their heterostructures have been paid extraordinary attention in the recent decade due to their unique structural and chemical characteristics and in turn potential properties in optoelectronic, nanoelectronic, and sensing developments. In general, semiconductor nanowires are induced by catalysts, which mediates the one-dimensional growth. However, since the complications of catalysts in inducing the nanowire growth, many nanowires induced by the catalysts have their own structural characteristics. In this presentation, I shall summarize our discoveries of impact of catalysts in the growth of epitaxial III-V semiconductor nanowires for the past decade.


Professor Jin Zou is the Chair of Nanoscience in the University of Queensland. He gained his BSc (1982) and MEng (1985) from the University of Science and Technology, Beijing. Under supervision by Professor K H Kuo and F. H. Li (both were academia of Chinese Academy of Sciences), he entered the field of electron microscopy. From 1985, Professor Zou helped to establish the Beijing Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, which has been the flagship electron microscopy laboratory in China. In 1989, Professor Zou went to Sydney University to earn his PhD under the supervision of Professor D. J. H. Cockayne (a world leader in electron microscopy and was a FRS fellow). From then, Professor Zou has been engaged his research in understanding the semiconductor nanostructures using electron microscopy. He gained a PhD with Materials Physics Major in 1993 from Sydney University and worked there for 10 years with various prestigious fellowships, including Australian Research Council’s Postdoctoral Fellowship and Queen Elizabeth Second Fellowship. In the second half of 2003, Professor Zou moved to the University of Queensland and continued his research in the field of semiconductor nanostructures, where advanced electron microscopy is an essential tool. In 2009, he has been awarded an Australian Research Council’s Future Fellowship.

Over the year, Professor Zou managed nearly 30 projects funded by the Australian Federal Government or Queensland Government. His current research is focused on the understanding of formation mechanisms the semiconductor nanostructures (quantum dots, nanowires, nanobelts, and ultra-thin nanosheets) and their demonstrated properties by correlating their growth and demonstrated properties with their morphological, structural and chemical characteristics (determined by electron microscopy); formation of high-performance functional nanomaterials and their advanced applications, particular in the fields of Energy, Environmental Protection, and Medical Diagnosis. So far, Professor Zou published over 570 SCI papers with most of them published in leading international journals, which have attracted over 13000 citations and led to an H-index of 57.

Professor Zou was the Secretary of the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society (2010-2104). He is now a Vice President of The Federation of Chinese Scholars in Australia, and the Council Chair of Queensland Chinese Association of Scientists and Engineers. For many years, Professor Zou has been engaged in developing research collaborations between Australia and leading Chinese universities.

作者 :工程学部

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