时间 :2016年09月21日 14时30分
地点 :重庆大学A区八教601
主办单位 :汽车协同创新中心
Passive, Active and Integrated Safety
主讲人 :周启峰 教授
Passive safety played a major role in automobile occupant protection by providing advanced restraint systems that have been proved to be effective countermeasures in saving lives for more than 30 years.
In the meantime, with advent of electronic sensors, active safety technologies also advanced in the past two decades to offer added capabilities of safety features for better vehicle performance, thus reducing motor vehicle accidents on public roads. Combined passive and active safety systems lead to integrated safety that possesses even greater potential in reducing fatalities to hopefully bring the “Zero Vision” into realization.
This presentation will (1) focus on briefly refreshing passive safety, reviewing some active safety features currently implemented in production, and providing few examples of design concepts of integrated safety, and (2) discuss future trends of self-driving and/or autonomous vehicles pertaining to regulatory, liability, etc. issues.
Dr. Chou joined Ford in 1976 and retired in January 2007 as a Technical Leader in the Passive Safety R&D Department, Research and Advanced Engineering. Prior to 1976, he worked at the Biomechanics Research Center, Wayne State University from 1970 to 1976. He specialized in occupant kinematics simulation, vehicle impact testing and analysis, computational algorithm development, foam/trim/rubber material characterization/modeling, structural foam applications, and FEA methodologies for head-to-interior impact analysis and other crash analyses. He also worked on instrumentation development/evaluation for determining occupant kinematics, vehicle structural performance, developments of rollover CAE and test methodologies and algorithm, front impact CAE sensor methodologies, side impact algorithm, and new sensor technologies. Currently, he is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Bio-Medical Engineering of Wayne State University (WSU). He has taught ME8020- Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection in Transportation system in the Mechanical Engineering Department, WSU since Sept. 2007.
Dr. Chou has more than 150 journal and SAE publications to his credit. He received the NHTSA Safety Award for Engineering Excellence in 1981, the Henry Ford Technology Award in 1995 and 2000, SAE Forest R. McFarland Award in 2000 and 2007, two 2006 Arch T. Colwell Merit Awards, and various Technical Achievement Awards, Innovation Awards, and Customer-Driven Quality Awards at Ford. In addition, he holds 22 U.S. patents for vehicle impact method, side impact door trim system, energy absorbing pillar structures, and rollover detection method and sensor waveform assessor. He has been organizing Safety Test Methodology Session and Integrated Safety Systems for SAE Congress since 1997 and 2011, respectively. He was a member of International Body Engineering Conference Safety and Environmental System Planning Committee from 1998-2002. He gave numerous automotive safety related lectures to various universities and testing institutions in the US, Taiwan, and China. Currently, he serves as US regional editor of the International Journal of Vehicle Safety. He was elected to a prestigious SAE Fellow in 2002 and ASME Fellow in 2005.
He attended the National Taiwan University where he received a B. S. in Civil Engineering and an M. S. in Engineering Mechanics. He also holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics from Michigan State University. He served as an industrial advisor to Ph.D. candidates at the University of Michigan (1996-1999), Michigan Technological University (1997-2000), and Wayne State University (2005-2007 and 2007-2009). He also served as an external Ph.D. thesis reviewer for Indian Institute of Science (2013).
作者 :工程学部