Rapidly and highly effective conversion of biomass and CO2 into chemicals and fu
时间 :2016年09月13日 15时30分
地点 :重庆大学虎溪校区理科楼LA108会议室
主办单位 :重庆大学理学部 重庆大学化学化工学院
主讲人 :Professor Fangming Jin
Prof. Jin is a distinguished professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Chair professor sponsored by Chang Jiang Scholar Program (administered by Ministry of Education of the People’s Repubic of China), as well as “Recruitment Program of Global Experts” Talents. She is also a fellow of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Tohoku University (Japan), and a visiting professor ofTohoku University of Japan and Riken of Japan. Prof. Jin received her Ph.D. fromTohoku University (Japan). She was a professor at Tohoku University (Japan) before she returned to Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2011). Her research centerson the application of hydrothermal reactions for the conversion of biomass and CO2 into fuels and chemicals to mimic nature. She has authored about 200scientific publications, patents and book chapters.
作者 :化学化工学院