时间 :2016年09月11日 10时00分
地点 :A区综合实验大楼319 会议室
主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部
协办单位 :重庆大学材料科学与工程学院
主讲人 :郭正晓
Mitigating climate change and ensuring energy security demand cost-effective energy solutions, particularly for large-scale integration of renewable energy sources (RES) to the electricity grid and the removal of CO2 from fossil-fuel power plants. Nanostructures hold the key to such solutions. Clear understanding of “energy-carrier” interactions with host structures is essential to design efficient energy storage systems (hydrogen and batteries), CO2 sorbents in carbon capture and photo-catalysts in solar harvesting. Fundamental simulations are important in probing the specific mechanisms of binding, activation and sorption of gaseous molecules in representative host structures for the design of efficient hydrogen/charge storage systems, as well as sorbents for CO2. Particular attention is focused on the simulation-guided design, synthesis and characterization of graphene/carbon- d nanostructures, with controlled hierarchical porosities, for the storage of energy carriers and capture of CO2, where surface chemistry, texture, defects, dopants and ligand molecules play important roles in carrier sorption, storage, and transport. Different design and synthesis routes will be comparatively assessed for the effective development of practical systems. Important avenues for further study are discussed to speed up the development of clean energy technologies.
Zheng-Xiao Guo is a Professor of Materials Chemistry at UCL. His group focuses on integrated theoretical and experimental approaches for the design and development of highly functional atomic clusters, nanostructures and materials, as well as their synthesis processes. He has contributed over 220 high-quality journal publications and over 300 conference papers/presentations for aerospace, biomedical, energy and environmental applications, e.g. in Energy & Environmental Sciences (x4), Advanced Materials (x3), Nano Letters (x2), Angew. Chemie Inter Ed, Chemical Science, Chemistry of Materials, and invited reviews in Progress in Materials Science (x2) and Chem. Soc. Review.
UCL is one of top 20 universities in the world. Zheng-Xiao Guo has been a Pro-(Vice) Provost at UCL (2008-2015) and now UCL-China Ambassador. Professor Guo has also made strong contributions to international engagement. He was the “Focal-Point” for UK-China collaborations in Nanotechnology & Materials Science (2009-2012), appointed by the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Foreign Commonwealth Office; and has been an overseas expert advisor to the Overseas Chinese Office of the State Council, China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a Fellow of RSC, a Member of the RSC Publishing Board.
作者 :工程学部