时间 :2016年05月24日 09时00分
地点 :国际会议厅306(实验设备处大楼)
主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部
协办单位 :重庆大学动力工程学院 低品位能源利用技术及系统教育部重点实验室
Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanostructures and Their Biomedical Applications
主讲人 :丁军
Magnetic nanostructures have been fabricated by wet-chemical routes, such as thermal decomposition and hydrothermal process. For magnetic nanoparticles, we have fabricated spherical Fe3O4 nanoparticles. We have also synhtesized Fe3O4 naorings and nanodiscs.Because of their vortex domain structure, magnetic nanorings and nanodiscs can be relatively well suspended with suitable surfactant, even if their sizes are much larger than the critical size for superparamagnetism. These nanorings and nanodiscs possess relatively large magnetic hysteresis loss, which could result in excellent performance for magnetic hyperthermia. We have performed in-vivo hyperthermia. The results have demonstrated that magnetic nanorings are promising hyperthermia agent for cancer treatment. Fe3O4 nanodiscs could be aligned under magnetic field. This has resulted in a great enhancement of magnetic hyperthermia performance. In addition, these magnetic nanoparticles have shown excellent results for MRI contrast enhancement.
作者 :工程学部