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时间 :2016年05月19日 08时30分

地点 :动力工程学院304

主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部

协办单位 :重庆大学动力工程学院,低品位能源利用技术及系统教育部重点实验室

The Four Imperatives of Energy and Future Energy Options

主讲人 :张东柯 教授

This talk will introduce and discuss the concept of four imperatives of energy and articulate their implications in sustainable energy development. The four imperatives are, in the order of importance, Power Intensity, Energy Density, Cost, and Scale.

Some newest figures of the four imperatives will be shared in order to illustrate that it is imperative to place a balanced approach to coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, and renewable energy resources and their development. As an example for discussion, a priority list of strategies for technological developments in coal, natural gas and nuclear power as China’s top national energy policy, followed by a set of strategies for renewable energy developments in niche areas, is discussed.


Professor Dongke Zhang FTSE obtained his BE and ME degrees from Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), Nanjing, China in 1984 and 1987 respectively, and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Newcastle, NSW in 1993. He is the Foundation Professor of Chemical Engineering and Inaugural Director of the Centre for Energy at The University of Western Australia. He was elected to the Fellowship of Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), serving as Deputy Chair of ATSE Energy Forum, and was named John Curtin Distinguished Professor in 2007 and the Top 100 Most Influential Engineers of Australia by Engineers Australia in 2011.

His research interests spread over combustion science and fuel technology; ignition and flames; coal and biomass pyrolysis, combustion and gasification; natural gas combustion and reforming; gas to liquid, coal to liquid and biomass to liquid (XtL); conversion and utilisation of biomass and organic wastes; bioenergy; homogeneous combustion catalysts for internal combustion engines; applied catalysis and surface science; mining and minerals processing; industrial explosives; spontaneous combustion; CO2 capture technologies and abatement strategies, including integrated biofuel production and carbon biosequentration; and energy options and sustainable energy development. Over his 23 year academic career, he has successfully raised and managed more than A$48 million in research funding from the Commonwealth and States Governments and Australian and overseas industries.

A contemporary scientist and a “can-do” engineer, Professor Zhang has conceptualised, trialled and successfully developed a modern university - industry relationship. He believes the true value of academic research is best measured by its practical use. Knowledge belongs to the society and technology belongs to the industry. He works closely with the industry to rapidly disseminate his knowledge to the society and industry. He has repeatedly demonstrated his ability and the “dare to push the limits” attitude in successfully transforming his scientific ideas into commercial realities through persistent strategic fundamental research, tactical applied research and technological innovations.

作者 :工程学部

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