时间 :2016年05月18日 15时00分
地点 :重庆大学A区综合实验大楼 607 会议室
主办单位 :重庆大学工程学部
协办单位 :重庆大学材料科学与工程学院
Nuclear Materials Research at NC State University
主讲人 :Prof. K. Linga. Murty
A brief outline of the research activities during the past 3 decades in the Nuclear Materials Research group at NC State University will be summarized that comprise of creep mechanisms in materials, reliability of solders in electronic packaging, radiation embrittlement of ferritic steels, anisotropic biaxial creep of hcp ls with emphasis on Zircaloy cladding, condition monitoring of structural materials using automated ball indentation, NMR study of dynamical behavior of point and line defects during deformation and radiation effects in nanocrystalline materials. The talk will highlight the current and past collaborative research programs in USA and abroad ending with the current research programs on transitions in creep mechanisms of low c/a-ratio hcp ls, creep and creep-fatigue of alloy 709 and SCC of stainless steel welds in canisters for dry storage of spent nuclear fuel.
Dr. Murty is the Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, has extensive experience in Mechanical llurgy and is the author of more than 125 technical papers on creep, fatigue, and fracture of ls. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in 1967 and 1970.
His experience and interests include failure analysis, corrosion and SCC, structure-property relation, effect of aggressive environment and neutron exposure on the mechanical properties and fracture characteristics of ls, embrittlement of nuclear pressure vessel steels, formability of ls, superplasticity, development of crystallographic texture and the resulting anisotropy, etc. The materials studied include aluminum alloys (Al-Mg, Al-Zn), pressure vessel steels, zirconium alloys (Zircaloy), stainless steels, turbine materials (Ni superalloys), lead alloys (Pb-Sn), copper-gold alloys, alkali halides, high purity iron and molybdenum, hcp ls (Zr, Ti, Mg, Zn and their alloys), ferritic steels, WC-Co tool materials and alkali halides. NDE and NDT for life assessment (and condition monitoring) of structural materials in nuclear reactors (PV steels, piping, SSs, superalloys, micro-electronic solders, etc.) using automated ball indentation (ABI); in-situ NMR investigation of the dynamical behavior of point and line defects; reliability of solders in electronic packaging, and processing (ball milling and SPD) and characterization of ultrafine grain ls. He has published more than 340 technical papers.
His work has earned him numerous honors, including the American Nuclear Society’s (ANS) ‘Mishima’ Award and NC State’s Alcoa Foundation Research Achievement Award. He is a Fellow of ANS and ASM International. In honor of his outstanding contribution, a mini-symposium on ‘Creep, Deformation, Texture, Nano and Nuclear Materials (radiation effects and modeling)’ was organized at the Plasticity conference in Big Island, Hawaii in Jan, 2016.
Dr. K. Linga. Murty:北卡罗来纳州立大学(the North Carolina State University, NCSU)核工程系和材料系知名教授,研究生项目主任。曾在Babcock & Wilcox和美国西屋公司担任高级工程师。曾获美国核学会(American Nuclear Society, ANS)“Mishima Award”、北卡罗莱纳州的美铝基金会研究成就奖(NC State’s Alcoa Foundation Research Achievement Award),为了纪念他在核材料领域的突出贡献,2016年在夏威夷举行的塑性研讨会专门设立了“核材料蠕变、变形及织构”分会。他是全球“金属材料变形、腐蚀、结构-性能关系以及核材料”研究领域知名专家,已发表高水平论文320余篇。
作者 :工程学部