| College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering ,电话:023-65102401 传真:023-65105795 - 抚顺市望花区政府

Department of Intelligent Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering


Name: Yu Yang

Title: Professor

Email Address: yuyang@cqu.edu.cn

Office Room Number: Comprehensive Laboratory building 608

Background of Educationand Work Experience

  • Background of Education

  • Sept. 1996 - Jul. 1999, D.E., Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

  • Sept. 1993 - Jul. 1995, M.E., Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

  • Sept. 1989 - Jul. 1993, B.E., Machinery manufacturing process and equipment, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

  • Work Experience

  • Sept. 2003 - Now,Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, China

  • Sept. 2004 - Now, Doctoral supervisor in Industrial Engineering, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, China

  • 1998-2005, Deputy Director of Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

  • Jun.2005 - May 2006, Visiting Professor, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University

  • Jul.2004 – Oct.2004, Senior Visiting Scholar, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics, RWTH Aachen University of Technology

  • Jan.2002 – Feb.2002, visiting scholar, University of Southern Australia

  • Dec.2002 – Jan.2003, visiting scholar, Hong Kong University

  • Dec.2000 - Nov.2003, Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, China

  • Sept. 1995 - Nov. 2000, Lecturer, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

Research Field

  • Enterprise Innovation Management

  • Customer Collaboration in Product Innovation

  • Human Resource Management

  • Manufacturing Systems Engineering

  • Corporate Culture Management

  • Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Research and Honors

From 2016 to 2019, Yang have published 40 papers,

[1] Zhang N , Yang Y , Zheng Y , et al. Module partition of complex mechanical products based on weighted complex networks[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017(6): p. 1-26.

[2] Zhang N, Yang Y, Su J, et al. Modelling and analysis of complex products design based on supernetwork[J]. Kybernetes, 2019, 48(5): 861-887.

[3] Guodong Y, Yu Y, Xuefeng Z, et al. Network-Based Analysis of Requirement Change in Customized Complex Product Development[J]. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2017, 16(04): 1125-1149.

[4] Yu G, Yang Y. Dynamic routing with real-time traffic information[J]. Operational Research, 2017: 1-26.

[5] Jiafu S, Yu Y, Tao Y. Measuring knowledge diffusion efficiency in R&D networks[J]. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2018, 16(2): 208-219.

[6] Wang S, Tao F, Shi Y, et al. Optimization of vehicle routing problem with time windows for cold chain logistics based on carbon tax[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(5): 694-717.

[7] Zheng Y, Yang Y, Su J, et al. Dynamic optimization method for configuration change in complex product design[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 92(9-12): 4323-4336.

[8] Wei M, Yang Y, Su J, et al. Task Reallocating for Responding to Design Change in Complex Product Design[J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2019, 28(1): 57-76.

[9] Yu G, Li F, Yang Y. Robust supply chain networks design and ambiguous risk preferences[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(4): 1168-1182.

[10] Li B, Yang Y, Su J, et al. Two-sided matching model for complex product manufacturing tasks based on dual hesitant fuzzy preference information[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019, 186: 104989-105003.

[11] Su J, Yang Y, Yu K, et al. A method of partner selection for knowledge collaboration teams using weighted social network analysis[J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018, 27(4): 577-591.

[12] Su J, Yang Y, Zhang X. A member selection model of collaboration new product development teams considering knowledge and collaboration[J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018, 27(2): 213-229.

[13] Li L, Yang Y, Qin G. Optimization of Integrated Inventory Routing Problem for Cold Chain Logistics Considering Carbon Footprint and Carbon Regulations[J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11(17): 4628-4650.

[14] Su J, Yang Y, Zhang N. Measurement of knowledge diffusion efficiency for the weighted knowledge collaboration networks[J]. Kybernetes, 2017, 46(4): 672-692.

[15] Zhang N, Yang Y, Wang J, et al. Identifying Core Parts in Complex Mechanical Product for Change Management and Sustainable Design[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(12): p. 4480-4495.

[16] Zheng Y J, Yang Y, Zhang N, et al. A supernetwork-based model for design processes of complex mechanical products[J]. Sustainability, 2016, 8(10): 992-1017.

[17] Jiao Y, Yang Y. A Comparative Study of Different Dimensionality Reduction Methods with Naïve Bayes Classifier for Mapping Customer Requirements to Product Configurations[J]. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 2017, 10(5): 47-58.

[18] Jiao Y, Yang Y. A product configuration approach based on online data[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019: 1-15.

[19] Jiao Y, Yang Y, Zhang H. An integration model for generating and selecting product configuration plans[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019, 30(3): 1291-1302.

[20] Na, Z., Y. Yu, and Y. Zheng. A module partition method base on complex network theory. in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management. 2016.

[21] Su, J., Y. Yu, and H. Li. Stability of knowledge collaboration network facing member loss and knowledge loss. in International Conference on Industrial Technology & Management. 2017.

[22] Wang, J., S. Liu, and J. Su. Identifying vulnerable nodes in supply chain based on the risk transmission model. in 2017 6th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM). 2017. IEEE.

[23] Wang J, Yang Y, Zhang N, et al. Optimization of logistics collaborative distribution routing based on improved Ant Colony Algorithm[C]//2017 6th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM). IEEE, 2017: 36-40.

[24] Lian X, Yang Y, Wang J. Research on complex product design change propagation based on complex networks[C]//2017 6th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM). IEEE, 2017: 80-84.

[25] Liang Z, Yang Y, Li B, et al. Analyze and Research on the Fitness Model of Tasks Assignment in Mechanical Product Design[C]//2019 8th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM). IEEE, 2019: 175-179.

[26] Wei M, Yang Y, Li Q. A reacting approach for design task allocating under resource unavailability[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2017, 69(1): 012011.

[27] Feng Y, Yang Y. Research on the gearbox fault diagnosis based on SCS-BP neural network[C]//2018 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM). IEEE, 2018: 33-36.

[28] Li B, Yang Y, Wang S, et al. A method on multiple objective balancing of U-type assembly line[C]//2018 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM). IEEE, 2018: 83-87.

[29] Zhang N, Yang Y. Change Impact Analysis of Complex Mechanical Product Based on Complex Network Theory[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2019, 1187(3): 032099.

[30] Jiao Y, Yang Y, Zhong J, et al. A Comparative Analysis of Intelligent Classifiers for Mapping Customer Requirements to Product Configurations[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Big Data Research. ACM, 2017: 72-77.

[31] Jiao Y, Yang Y, Zhang H. Mapping High Dimensional Sparse Customer Requirements into Product Configurations[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2017, 261(1): 012022.


From 2010 to 2015, Yang have published 92 papers,


[2] Zhang Xuefeng, Yang Yu, Zhang na,Yang Tao. Robustness Analysis of Super Network Consisting of Product Development Tasks, Customers and CustomersKnowledge [J]. international journal of hybrid information technology.

[3] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X. Multiobjective Dynamic Fuzzy Scheduling and Its Algorithm in Product Collaborative Design Considering Emergency. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems.

[4] Yu G.D., Yang Y., Zhang X F. Li C.. An integrated decision-making approach for requirements changes of customized product: based on changes impacts on product networks, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.

[5] Yu G.D., Yang Y. Zhao X., Li G., Multi-objective rescheduling model for Product Collaborative Design Considering Disturbance, International Journal of Simulation Modelling. 2014134):472-484 (WOS:000346958200007)

[6] Beifang Bao,Yu Yang, Qian Chen ,Aijun Liu,Jiali Zhao.Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Double-population Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J].Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. July 4, 2014 .(EIIP53227536)

[7] Beifang Bao, Yu Yang, Aijun Liu, Jiali Zhao, Leiting Li. Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems2014,23(1):1-19.EI20135017081892

[8] Xue, Chengmeng; Yang, Yu; Yang, Tao; Zeng, Tingting Person-organization fit evaluation and process optimization based on the matching theory. Computer Modelling and New Technologies,2014,18,174-180.(EI: 20144700214788)

[9] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Yao Jiao. Reliability analysis and prediction for product design based on feature similarity[J]. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, v 7, n 5, p 239-252 2014.(EI: 201447223544)

[10] Li Fei, Yang Yu, Xie Jianzhong, Liu Aijun, Chen Qian. Selection method of customer partners in customer collaborative product innovation [J]. Journal of Intelligent Systems. 201423(4): 423-435. (EI : 201444135370)

[11] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Chengmeng Xue. Conflict analysis between task iteration and design capabilities in collaborative product development[J]. International Journal of Security and Its Applications, 2014, 8(2): 375-386. (EI: 20141517555799)

[12] YU Guodong, YANG Yu, XING Qingson, LI Fei. Research on the time optimization model algorithm of customer collaborative product innovation[J]. Journal of industrial Engineering and Management, 2014,7(1):137-152. (EI: 20141617600763)

[13] Tao Yang, Yu Yang. Reliability evaluation of collaborative product design process considering redesigning activities[J]. Information Technology Journal, Vol. 12, No. 21, pp. 6325 ~ 6329, 2013.EI: 20142417805996

[14] Beifang Bao, Yu Yang. Task Granularity Analysis for Task Decomposition in Collaborative Customized Product Development [J]. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2013, 44(14):226-233. (EI20134016808136)

[15] Li Fei, Yang Yu, Su Jia-fu, Xie Jian-zhong. Network centrality analysis in customer collaborative product innovation design process[J]. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2013, 43(13):357-367. (EI20134016797534)

[16] YU Kunpeng, YANG Yu, LI Fei. Emergency Material Requirement Prediction Model for Natural Disaster Based on Wavelet Network [J]. Disaster advances,2013.6(6),12-20.(SCI: 000319408700004)

[17] Tao Yang, Yu Yang, Chengmeng Xue. Intellectual Capital Performance Assessing for CPD Systems Based on Rough Set Theory[J]. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences. 2012, 23(4): 796-804. (EI20130315903567)


[19] Xie jianzhong, Yang Yu, Tao Yunhai, Chen Wei. A Study on Business Process Dynamic Evaluation of Business Process Integration Management Based on Fuzzy-EAHP, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012,4(22):56-65.EI20125215844380


[21] Aijun Liu, Yu Yang, Hao Yao, Xuedong Liang. Improved Immune Genetic Algorithm Based on Hybrid Chaotic Maps and Its Application [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012.7(1):422-432.EI:20120614750402

[22] Xiaohua Zhao, Yu Yang, Jie Yang, Aijun Liu, Jianguo Jia. System dynamic modeling of owners' Influences on the Outcome of Mega-projects: a Case Study from China’ Influences on the Outcome of Mega-projects: a Case Study from China [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2012.7(3):91-100.EI: 20121114854960

[23] Xiaohua Zhao, Yu Yang, Aijun Liu, Jie Yang. A Dynamic and Fuzzy Modeling Approach for Multi-objective R&D Project Portfolio Selection [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012.7(1):36-44.EI: 20120614750357

[24] Yongfeng Wang, Yu Yang, Yongming Gu. Research on Quality and Safety Traceability System of Fruit and Vegetable Products Based on Ontology[J].Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012.7(1):86-93.EI: 20120614750363

[25] Xing QingSong, YANG Yu , LIU Ai-jun , YAO Hao. Research on Knowledge Sharing for Customer Collaborative Product Innovation based on Knowledge Grid [J].Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2012.7(1):102-112.EI 20120614750365

[26] Kunpeng Yu, Yu Yang, Jingbo Guo, Tao Yang. Research on Production Plant Layout Optimization Based on Improved Genetic Annealing Algorithm [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology.2012.4(5):329-336.EI 20121514938351

[27] Bao Beifang, Yang Yu, Li Leiting, Xu Yongfei, Li Fei. Product collaborative design scheme evaluation based on gray statistical evaluation and analytic network process method [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. 2012, 6(1):88-96.(EI:20120714765692)

[28] Jiaqi MA, Yu YANG, Fei LI. Research on Multi-level Design Method of Collaboration Innovation Based on Rough Sets Theory [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.2012, l (7): 1- 8.EI 20121114854950

[29] Fei Li, Yu Yang, Jianzhong Xie, Xiaohua Zhao, Jiaqi Ma, Yunyun Li. A Dynamic and Fuzzy Modeling Approach for Multi-attribute New Product Idea Screening and Portfolio [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2012.4(1): 96 -104.EI 20120614757932

[30] Bo Cheng, Yu Yang, Feng Zhang. The Researching of Stress Checking System for Over-size Product Road Transport [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2012.4(8):288-~297. (EI :20122215075745)

[31] Jiaqi MA, Yu YANG, Fei LI, Feng ZHANG, Xiong LUO. Research on an Evaluation Method of Customer Collaborative Innovation Design Scheme Based on R-A-WNN [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 2012.4(8):298-~306. (EI : 20122215075746)

[32] Jianguo Jia, Yu yang, Tao Yang, Aijun Liu. Research on the Reliability of Integrated Chemical Production Sites Based on BDD [J]. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. 2012.6(4): 8794.EI20121314903462

[33] Jianguo Jia, Yu Yang, Tao Yang, et al. Research on Dynamic Programming of the Series Manufacturing System Reliability Allocation [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology.EI:20121814980220

[34] Chengmeng Xue, Yu Yang, Beifang Bao. Evaluation of product customization customer satisfaction [J]. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology . 2012, 4(20): 506-515. (EI:20124715701814)

[35] Chengmeng Xue, Yu Yang, Tao Yang. The Fuzzy Cluster Analysis on Impacting Factors in Organizational Identification and Orientation [J]. Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2012,7(21): 70 ~ 79.EI:20125015781071

[36] Aijun Liu, Yu Yang,Xing Qingsong, Hao Yao. Improved Collaborative Particle Swarm Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Optimization[J]. Advanced Science Letters.2011.4(6-7) 21802183. (SCI: 000295057600052

[37] Zeng, Qiang; Yang, Yu; Liang, Xuedong; Ma, Jiaqi. Multi-Objective Optimization for Equal Batch Splitting Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Multiple Process Flows[J]. ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS.2011.4(4-5):1808-1813.(SCI: 000294372900097)


From 1995 to 2010, Yang published more than 70 papers.

From 2010 to 2015Yang has presided and completed 28 scientific research projects, including three national funds, three ministerial-level funds, and more than 20 projects entrusted by enterprises:

[1] Research on decision method and Coordination Mechanism of Product Design Change Based on Complex Network Theory, Project of China Fund Management Department. 2015~, responsible person.

[2] Research and Simulation Optimization of Customer Collaborative Product Innovation Efficiency, Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011-2014, responsible person.

[3] Research on key Resources of Human Resource Information System based on collaborative Development, Project of Department of Science and Technology of Guizhou Province, 2012-2013, responsible person.

[4] Research on Mc-cr Model and Conflict Resolution of Customer Collaborative Product Innovation Process, Doctoral Foundation of Ministry of Education, 2011-2013, responsible person.

[5] Integration Project major Hazard Source Integration Detection and Safety Early warning, Key Project of Chongqing Science and Technology Research, 2011~2013, responsible person.

[6] Research on ODM product lifecycle optimization management of Foxconn, Major enterprise cooperation project, 2011-2014, responsible person.


The main projects completed from 2000 to 2010 are as follows:

[1] National 863 Project: Networked sales and Customization system for modern integrated Manufacturing (2001AA414630), project leader;

[2] National 863 Project: Research on the overall technology and key technology of CIMS of a large logistics manufacturing enterprise, project leader;

[3] National 863/CIMS Major Project: Modern Integrated Manufacturing Network System CIMSNET (Chongqing) Website Construction, the second person in charge;

[4] Chongqing Science and Technology Key project: ASP model based enterprise network sales and customization platform and application project, project leader;

[5] Chongqing Science and Technology Research Project: Research and development of integrated Manufacturing Network information system in southwest China, the second person in charge.

[6] Sub-project of "National University Equipment and Quality Resource Sharing System", a 211 key research project of the Ministry of Education: the second person in charge;

[7] Chongqing Economic Commission Project: Network enterprise information technology support and service platform system, project leader;

[8] Chongqing Economic Commission Project: Construction of Chongqing Enterprise Information Technology Support Center, the second person in charge;

[9] National Natural Science Foundation of China: Human-centered Collaborative product Development Process Modeling and Dynamic Simulation (70501036), project leader;

[10] National 15 Science and Technology Key Project: Regional Networked Manufacturing System, 2002-2004, the fourth main researcher;

[11] National 15 Science and Technology Key Project: Networked Manufacturing Platform, 2002-2003, the third principal investigator;

[12] Industry-University-Research project: Project information management and project evaluation system development, Chongqing Iron & Steel Group Co., LTD., project leader;
