| College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering ,电话:023-65102401 传真:023-65105795 - 抚顺市望花区政府

Department of Mechanical Electronics

Name: Fuqiang Liu

Title: Dr.

Email Address:liufq@cqu.edu.cn

Office Room Number: 7317

Office Tel: N/A

Background of Education and Work Experience

  • Dec. 2015-Now, Lecturer, Chongqing University, China

  • Aug. 2011-Aug. 2012, Visiting study, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada

  • Sept. 2009-Nov. 2015, Ph.D., Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China

  • Sept. 2005-Jul. 2009, B.S., Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China

Research Field

  • Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control technologies

  • Industrial and underwater robotics

Research and Honors

  • Dec. 2019-Nov. 2022, The National Key R&D Program of China, Research on big data theory and method of uncertain manufacturing for flexible systems, project under study.

  • Jan. 2018-Dec. 2020, Research on fault cooperative diagnosis and fault-tolerant cooperative control for the Multi-UUV motion control systems, project completed.

  • Fuqiang Liu, Hao Tang, Jun Luo, Long Bai, Huayan Pu. Fault-tolerant control of active compensation toward actuator faults: An autonomous underwater vehicle example. Applied Ocean Research, 2021, 110(102597): 1-8.

  • Fuqiang Liu, Yan Long, Jun Luo, Huayan Pu, Chaoqun Duan, Songyi Zhong. Active fault localization of actuators on torpedo-shaped autonomous underwater vehicles. Sensors, 2021, 21(476): 1-17.

  • Xiaowei Guo, Xin Yang, Fuqiang Liu, Zhangfang Liu, Xiaolin Tang. Dynamic analysis of the flexible hub-beam system based on rigid-flexible coupling mechanism. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2020, 234(3), 536-545.

  • Fuqiang Liu, Demin Xu, Jin Yu, Long Bai. Fault isolation of thrusters under redundancy in frame-structure UUVs. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2018, 15(1): 1-11.

  • Huiping Li, Weisheng Yan, Yang Shi, Fuqiang Liu. Receding horizon consensus of general linear multi-agent systems with input constraints: An inverse optimality approach. Automatica, 2018, 9: 10-16.

  • Fuqiang. Liu, Demin Xu. Fault localization and fault-tolerant control for rudders of AUVs. In Proceedings of the 35th Chinese Control Conference, 2016.

  • Fuqiang Liu, Demin Xu, Jian Gao, lichuan Zhang. Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for actuators of underwater vehicles. Control Theory & Applications, 2014, (09): 1143-1150.

  • Demin Xu, Fuqiang Liu, Lichuan Zhang, Rongxin Cui. Fault diagnosis of underwater vehicle based on improved continuous-discrete unscented Kalman filter. Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2014 (05): 756-760.

  • Fuqiang Liu, Demin Xu, and Mingyong Liu, etc. Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for the actuator of marine vehicles. In Proceedings of MTS/IEEE OCEANS, 2014.

  • Fuqiang Liu, Ji Huang, Yang Shi, Demin Xu. Fault detection for discrete-time systems with randomly occurring nonlinearity and data missing: A quadrotor vehicle example. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2013, 350(9): 2474-2493.

  • Fuqiang Liu, Demin Xu, Jian Gao, Rongxin Cui. Fault tolerant control for an autonomous underwater vehicle to dock with thruster redundancy. In Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference, 2013.
