| College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering ,电话:023-65102401 传真:023-65105795 - 抚顺市望花区政府

Department of Mechanical Electronics

Name: Wenbin Huang

Title: Researcher

Email Address: whuang@cqu.edu.cn

Office Room Number: Room 205, The State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions

Office Tel:

Background of Education and Work Experience

  • 2006~2010, BS, Precision Machinery and Precision Instrumentation, University of Science and Technology of China

  • 2010~2014, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University, USA

  • 2015~2015, Postdoc, Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University, USA

  • 2016~Present, Researcher, Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University

Research Field

  • Smart materials and structures, sensors and actuators

  • Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis based on embedded intelligent system

  • Ultrasonic transducers and applications in mechanical and biomedical fields

Research and Honors

  • Associate Editor of the International Journal of Hydromechatronics

  • Served as a reviewer for more than 10 authoritative journals including Applied Physics Letter, Smart Materials and Structures, IEEE Sensors Journal, etc.

  • ASME Member, IEEE Member

  • Authored and co-authored more than 40 peer-reviewed journal papers and two book chapters in related fields
