| College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering ,电话:023-65102401 传真:023-65105795 - 抚顺市望花区政府

Department of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing

Name: Wen Liu

Title: associate professor

Email Address: liuwen@cqu.edu.cn

Office Room Number: 320

Office Tel: 15826015609

Background of Education and Work Experience

  • Background of Education:

  • 2004/03 – 2010/06,Chongqing University, College of mechanical engineering, Ph.D

  • 2001/09 – 2003/12Chongqing University, College of mechanical engineering,master's degree

  • 1987/09 –1991/07Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Department of automatic control,Bachelor

  • Work Experience:

  • 2014/09 – Chongqing University, College of mechanical engineering,associate professor

  • 2011/09 –2014/08 Chongqing University,State Key Laboratory of mechanical transmission,associate professor

  • 2004/07 –2011/08Chongqing University,State Key Laboratory of mechanical transmission, lecturer

  • 1991/07 –2001/09Chongqing Cummins Engine Co., Ltd,engineer

Research Field

  • 1. Computer aided engineering for mechanical design;

  • 2. Analysis and control of vibration & noise.

Research and Honors


  • Has long been engaged in the research of computer aided engineering for mechanical design, mechanical system dynamics, vibration and noise testing. The research results have been widely used in the transmission systems of ships, wind power, transportation, metallurgy, cement and other industries.


  • One first and one second class prize for Scientific and Technological Progress in Chongqing, one second class prize for Marine Engineering Science and Technology Award.
