| College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering ,电话:023-65102401 传真:023-65105795 - 抚顺市望花区政府

Department of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing


Name: Xiaomin Dong

Date of Birth: April. 1975

Degree: Ph.D.

Title: Professor / Doctoral advisor

Email Address:xmdong@cqu.edu.cn

Office Room Number: A7501

Office Tel: 136,6767,0985

  • Work Experience

  • Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University (Dec. 2011 - present)

  • Visiting Scholar, School of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Maryland (Aug. 2009 - Aug. 2010)

  • Associate Professor, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University (Sept.2008 - Dec. 2011)

  • Lecturer, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University (Sept.2005 -Sept.2008)

  • Assistant, College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University (Apr.2002 -Sept.2005)

  • Post-doctoral, Chongqing University (Sept.2008 -Sept.2010)

  • Research Field

  • Robot and mechatronics technology

  • Vehicle intelligent suspension and vibration control technology

  • System dynamics, vibration and noise analysis and control

  • 3D printing technology

  • Computer aided engineering of mechanical design

Main research experience, Honors, Awards and Social Position

  • Second Prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education

  • Third Prize of Chongqing Natural Science Award

  • Second Prize of Mechanical Industry Science and Technology Award

  • Chongqing Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award (2008)

  • The Top Ten Outstanding Young Teachers of Chongqing University (2009)

  • Tang Lixin Excellent Teaching and Research Third Prize (2013).

Published papers (representative work)

Published 80 papers in important academic journals or international academic conferences, among which 40 have been indexed by SCI/EI and cited by others for more than 500 times. The 10 representative publications are as follows:

  1. Jianqiang Yu; Xiaomin Dong ; Zonglun Zhang; Pinggen Chen, A novel scissor-type magnetorheological seat suspension system with self-sustainability, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2019, 30(5):665-676

  2. Kejie Wang , Xiaomin Dong, Junli Li, Kaiyuan Shi and Keju Li, Effects of Silicone Oil Viscosity and Carbonyl Iron Particle Weight Fraction and Size on Yield Stress for Magnetorheological Grease Based on a New Preparation Technique, Materials, 2019, 12(11):1-17

  3. Dong Xiaomin, Xi Jun; Chen Pinggen; Li Wenfeng, Magneto-rheological variable inertia flywheel, Smart Materials and Structures, 2018.11, 27(11)0~115015, SCIE

  4. Dong Xiaomin ; Liu Weiqi; An Guopeng; Zhou Yaqin; Yu Jianqiang; Lin Qing, A novel rotary magnetorheological flexible joint with variable stiffness and damping, Smart Materials and Structures, 2018.10, 27(10)0~105045, SCIE

  5. Jianqiang Yu, Xiaomin Dong and Zonglun ZhangA novel model of magnetorheological damper with hysteresis divisionSmart Materials and Structures, 2017(26):1-25

  6. Xiaomin Dong, Chi Duan and Jianqiang Yu, Axial squeeze strengthen effect on rotary magneto-rheological damper, Smart Materials and Structures, 2017(26):1-10

  7. Xiaomin Dong, Design and characterization of axial flux permanent magnet energy harvester for vehicle magnetorheological damper, Smart Materials and Structures, 2016(25):1-20

  8. Jianqiang Yu, Xiaomin Dong and Wen Wang, Prototype and test of a novel rotary magnetorheological damper based on helical flow, Smart Materials and Structures, 2016:1-16

  9. Xiaomin DongJianqiang YuWen WangZonglun Zhang, Robust design of magneto-rheological (MR) shock absorber considering temperature effects, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 9:1-13

  10. Xiaomin Dong, Chi Duan and Jianqiang YuResearch on chain-model transition identification of magnetic dipole theory for magneto-rheological fluid, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016,8(12):1-9
