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The 2ndInternational Conference of the Yangtze River

Research and Innovation Belt (Y-RIB) on

“Achieving Sustainable Development for


Venue:Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
1st-3rdDecember 2019
Centre for Industrial Innovation for Competitiveness,

College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University

The Yangtze River Research and Innovation Belt (Y-RIB) Association was established in May 2018 to achieve three folds of aims: envisioning a long-term blueprint for a state-of-the-art globalized educational and industrial environment, setting up a platform of a global educational and research strategic alliance, and meeting a growing demand for talent cultivation and joint research on transport, international logistics and trade, which are related to the Belt & Road Initiative, the river-sea inter-modal transport service, and the Yangtze River Economic Zone. Following the successful first conference in December 2018 in Zhoushan (China), the second International Conference will be held on 1st – 3rd December 2019 at Chongqing (China).This event will contribute to exchanging valuable ideas, outcomes, and information related to the above issues and to exploring opportunities and challenges in the context of the globalised economy, transport system and logistics. This Conference will also be a nexus of academia, practitioners, and policy-makers to share novel scientific research as well as innovative managerial experiences and technologies. All of your abstracts are welcomed.

Conference Keynote Speakers:

Professor Heather McLaughlinis Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law at Coventry University which is noted for its strong focus on internationalisation. Previous roles include Director of Christ Church Business School, Director of the Centre for International Transport Management at London Metropolitan University, Head of Consultancy for the Global Policy Research Institute, and a professional career as a Chartered Accountant. An active researcher, Heather has expertise in international business, finance and logistics, and has served as a specialist advisor to the House of Commons Select Committee for Transport. She is a member of the editorial board of ‘Maritime Policy and Management’ and was co-editor for 10 years from 2007-2017.

Prof. Dr. Wouter Dewulfworks at the department of Transport and Regional economics of the University of Antwerp (Belgium), and is currently performing research on Air Cargo Strategy, Urban Logistics and E-commerce. He also is a professor at C-MAT (Centre of Maritime and Transport Management, University of Antwerp) and is visiting professor at the University of Hasselt (Belgium) and University of Chongqing (China). He previously did research on the strategy of air cargo operators and completed a Ph.D. on ‘The Strategy of Air transport carriers, about Carpet Sellers and Cargo Stars’. After two Master studies in Applied Economics and Business Engineering at the University of Antwerp, he completed an MBA at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).

Conference Key Dates and Fees:

Submission of expanded abstracts

15 August, 2019

postponed to:30 September, 2019

Notification of acceptance* and registration open

15 September, 2019

postponed to:14 October, 2019

Early Bird registration
Delegate registration fee (gala dinner included):
RMB 2100 (USD 320)
Student registration fee: RMB 1200 (USD 180)
Gala dinner: RMB 280 (USD 40)

20 October, 2019

postponed to:27 October, 2019

Delegate registration fee (gala dinner included):
RMB 2500 (USD 380)
Student registration fee: RMB 1400 (USD 210)
Gala dinner: RMB 280 (USD 40)
15 November 2019

Outline Program:


December 1st

·Registration from 3:00 PM

·Welcome reception from 6:30 PM


December 2nd

·Academic Keynote

·Industrial Keynote

·Parallel Sessions

·Gala dinner


December 3rd

·Parallel Sessions

·Conference Close

Expanded Abstract Format and Submission:

Each expanded abstract contains 800 to 1,000 words including maximum 10 key references.The template file of the expanded abstract is available on the conference website and/or request by email to Dr Zhimei Lei atzhimeilei@cqu.edu.cnTemplate-CQ.docx

The expanded abstracts should be submitted to the Conference Organiser: zhimeilei@cqu.edu.cn


Registration and Attendance Form for Y-RIB.doc

Conference Programme

Conference Programme.pdf

Topics of Interest (but not limited to):

• Sustainability issues in shipping, port and maritime logistics
• Circular economy
• Sharing economy
• Multimodal transportation system planning for Yangtze River Economic Belt
• River sea combined transport system
• Impact of Transport Infrastructure on Regional Development
• Sino-Europe railway liner
• Autonomous shipping
• Industry relocation and economic development of western and central provinces
• Environmental issues in Yangtze-River zone development
• Shipping capacities of three-gorges lock
• Issues and opportunities of river cruise industry
• Emerging technologies
• The role of Free Trade Zones in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
• Climate adaptation changes in the Yangtze River or/and around the globe
• Navigation safety
• Economies of cargo flow
• Lessons from European short sea shipping

Publications: International journals (SCI/SSCI) and Book arranged for the Conference:

Special Issues and Confirmations have been secured from a number of journals for our outstanding abstracts, presented at the Conference, to be invited for the corresponding full papers to be submitted for special consideration for publication, which include Resources, Conservation & Recycling (IF = 7.044), International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (IF = 2.828), Industrial Management & Data Systems (IF = 3.727), Transport Policy (IF = 3.19), Maritime Policy & Management (IF = 2.7) and International J. of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IF=1.277). An edited book of Elsevier Book Series in China Transportation is to be announced.All chapters in it are SOPUS indexed.

Prof. Ming K. Lim, Executive Dean of College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University
Prof. Zhongzhen Yang, Faculty of Maritime and Transportation, Ningbo University
Prof. Ying-En Ge, Dean of College of Transport & Communications, Shanghai Maritime University
Prof. Chaozhong Wu, Director of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology
Prof. Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Director of Maritime Logistics and Free Trade Islands Research Center, Zhejiang University

Local Organising Committee:
Prof Yu Yang (Conference Chair)
Prof Xiaohui Chen (Publication Co-Chair)
Dr Deng Lei (Publication Co-Chair)
Dr Qingxuan Gao (Programme Chair)
Dr Wenzhu Liao (Marketing Chair)
Dr Fengming Tao (Conference Management)
Dr Yun Lin (Logistics Management)
Dr Lin Ni (Logistics Management)
Dr Zhimei Lei (Conference Secretary)

Scientific Steering Committee
Prof Kevin Cullinane, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Prof Xiaowen Fu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR

Prof Masahiro Ishii, Sophia University, Japan

Prof Kap-Hwan Kim, Pusan National University, Korea

Prof Jun Yeop Lee, Inha University, Korea
Prof Kevin X. Li, Zhejiang University, China
Prof Qiang Meng, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Prof Juan de Dios Ortuzar, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
Prof Jiuh-Biing Sheu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Prof Kamonchanok Suthiwartnarueput, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Prof Xin-Ping Yan, Wuhan University of Technology, China

International Scientific Committee
Prof Yapa Mahinda Bandara, University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Prof Sergio Cavalieri, University of Bergamo, Italy
Prof Hing Kai Chan, Nottingham University Ningbo China
Prof Yoon Seok Chang, Korea Aerospace University, Korea
Prof Prem Chhetri, RMIT, Australia
Prof Hyung Rim Choi, Dong-A University, Korea
Prof Alain Chong, Nottingham University Ningbo, China
Prof Jose Garza-Reyes, University of Derby, UK
Prof Victor Gekara, RMIT University, Australia
Prof Guowei Hua, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Prof Zhi-Hua Hu, Shanghai Maritime University, China
Prof Hans-Henrik Hvolby, Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof Hyun-Duk Kim, Sunchon National University, Korea
Prof Lenny Koh, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof Cheng-Wei Lin, Kainan University, Taiwan
Prof Weihua Liu, Tianjin University, China
Prof Meifeng Luo, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Prof Andrew Lyons, University of Liverpool, UK
Prof Bart L. MacCarthy, University of Nottingham, UK
Prof Ilkyeong Moon, Seoul National University, Korea
Prof Adolf K.Y. Ng, University of Manitoba, Canada
Prof Mathews Nkhoma, RMIT Vietnam, Vietnam

Prof Nyoman Pujawan, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia

Associate Prof Ryuichi Shibasaki, University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof Koichi Tezuka, Nihon University, Japan

Prof Kim Tan, University of Nottingham, UK
Prof Grace W. Y. Wang, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA
Prof Yuhong Wang, Ningbo University, China
Prof Zaili Yang, Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Prof Qingcheng Zeng, Dalian Maritime University, China
Prof Ming Zhong, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Co-organised by:

Conference location:

Days Hotel Chongqing Keyuan, No. 83 Shabeijie, Shapingba District, Chongqing

供稿:廖雯竹 审核:
