Place:SoundLibrary, Campus A, Chongqing University
Host:He Jing
Topic:Stay Firm to Ideals and Convictions, Uphold high the Banner of Patriotism
Attendee:Graduate Studentsof Chongqing University
Recently, the 27thseminar, which was conducted by combining online and offline activities, was successfully held by Red Crag Reading Club of our school. As for the online activity, namely, the "14-daydaily attendanceactivity" was launched from January 18 to January 31, 2022. Participants are required to select books and movies they are interested in from given recommendation lists, then upload their daily assignments to Xiaodaka mini-program for 14 days. In this way, students are encouraged to remain true to their originalaspirationsand keep their mission firmly in mind. And this online activity achieved great success, attracting graduate students from different schools of our university to participate enthusiastically.
The offlinesharing sessionwas held in the Sound Library ofCampus A, Chongqing University,on the afternoon of April 7. He JingfromtheSchool of Marxism Studiesserved as the host of this session.Graduatestudentshave eagerly participated in it, including studentsfrom theSchool of Marxism StudiesandCollegeofComputerScience of our university. The sharing session mainlyincludes three parts, namely,appreciatingclipsfromNos Annees Francaises, sharingfeelingsafterreadingbooksand watching movies, andfinally having theknowledge contests.
Allstudentsactively participatedand sparked a heated discussionin the discussion, in which studentswillinglyshared thetouchingstoriesandthe uniquefeelingsthey’d gotwhile reading. Wang Yu, a graduate student from theCollegeofComputerScience of our university, mentioned: "Nos Annees Francaiseswas the first Television series thatdescribedthe storiesof the proletarian revolutionary pioneers, who had the opportunity to study abroad through the organization of theWork-studyProgram in France. Among them, Zhou Enlai and Zhao Shiyan, who witnessed the plights of our country,paidattention todomestic current affairsall the time, andwholeheartedlytried to find a feasible way to save China, withthe spirit of selfless dedication, they had finally pointed out the direction for their later revolutionary cause and lighted the candles ofhopeinour poor and weak motherlandat that time, which impressed and inspired me the most!"Chen Baisi from the School of Marxism Studies of our university shared her insights on the bookXi Jinping’s Seven Years as an Educated Youth, she said: "The book is a compilation of interviews with local villagers in Liangjiahe who worked with Xi at the time and a number of Xi’s fellow educated youths, to reveal what they remember about Xi amid that hardship from different viewpoints. Xi had to overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles when living in Liangjiahe, for example, he had to bear the primitive living condition which was dirty and flea-ridden, which was quite unimaginable compared with the comfortable life we live now. These interviews, incisivelyrevealXi’s ability to undertake difficulties,and his perseverance, serves as a vivid teaching material that inspires us to boldly go through trials and hardships to further train our will."
The 14-day Red Crag Reading Clubserved as a communicationplatform for graduate students tolearn thehistories of the Party, stimulatingtheir sense of patriotism andhoning theirwillsto strugglefor the ideal. Yang Longhua, from theSchool of MarxismStudiesof our university, said: "Red Crag Reading Clubprovided opportunities for us to learn the great deeds our forerunnershavedone, whichhas enthusiastically inspiredus.Our Chinese youth shallhave firm ideals and convictions, cultivate a noble character, honeour skills, firmly follow the Party and forge aheadtostrive for the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristicsin thenew era!"
ByDong Ruiqi & Zhang Shouxin
Photo byDong Ruiqi & Zhang Shouxin
Copyedited by Zeng Chenxi