On May 23, Chongqing University hosted a compelling lecture by Wang Ximin, a renowned journalist and writer, who captivated the audience with his narratives on the "One Belt One Road" . The event was attended by faculty and students from the School of Marxism and the School of Journalism.
The lecture, titled "Embracing China While Observing the World: Exploring China's Development throughOne Belt One Road," was not just an exposition of Chinese elements and the country's developmental progress. It was also a powerful statement that resonated with the audience's patriotic feelings. Wang's talk served to reinforce the attendees' steadfast belief in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

In the very beginning of the lecture, Wang made a striking observation: at least one meal per day for residents of Beijing relies on natural gas imported from Turkmenistan, vividly illustrating the tangible benefits that Beijing residents reap from theOne Belt One Road.
Hethen delved into sharingtouching stories about theOne Belt One Road, such as Xian Xinghai's composition of "The Chinese Rhapsody" in Kazakhstan, the revered figures of Manas in both China and Kyrgyzstan, Genghis Khan respected by both China and Mongolia, the China-Europe freight trains, theChina-backedJakarta-Bandung high-speed railway in Indonesia, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Chinese-built Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), Chinese medical teams in Africa, and the Confucius Institute in Costa Rica.

Following in the footsteps of the General SecretaryXi Jinping, Wang Ximin has embarked on an extensive journey, conducting interviews related to theOne Belt One Roadacross 152 countries and 32 international organizations. His profound insights and experiences have been distilled into9volumes within the "See the World" series. Titles like "Travel Through Asia" are imbued with rich cultural content, offering faculty and students alike a treasure trove of knowledge and vibrant imagery.
The lecturetodaycentered on exploring the cultural facets intrinsic to theOne Belt One Road, aiming to broaden the perspectives of both faculty members and students. It served as a platform to deepen their understanding of China's developmental journey andsignificantrole in the collaborative construction of theOne Belt One Road. Additionally, it facilitated a fuller appreciation of China's stature, stability, strength, and ongoing development efforts.
Finally,Wangalsodonatedcopies of hislatestbook "TravelThroughAsia" to the Chongqing University Library, the School of Marxism, and the School of Journalism.

The lecturealsosparked enthusiastic responses among faculty and students.
Chen Ke,Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Marxismat Chongqing University, presided over the lecture.Chenremarked, "This lecture serves as a session of ideological,politicaland patriotic education. It allows us to fully understand the importance of jointly building theOne Belt One Roadand strengthens our confidence in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!"

Zhang Dongye from the School of Marxism conveyed heartfelt appreciation, expressing, "Wang's lecture has been immensely enriching for me. Through his global journey, I've gained a profound appreciation for my Chineseroots. I recognize the weight of responsibility that accompanies China's stature as a major global player and theprofoundimpact of theOne Belt One Roadon global development."
Zeng Yuanxi from the School of Journalism was deeply moved, saying, "Experience is indeed a valuablewealth. This idea struck a chord with me during the lecture. While journalism may appear barrier-free, the truth is that education, practice, and hands-on experience are essential. It's crucial for us to dedicate more time to refining our craft, aspiring to become exceptional journalists just as Wang envisions."
Yao Ying from the School of Journalism remarked, "In this fast-paced era, Wang's grounded approach to reporting, his commitment to thorough investigation, and his unwavering dedication to documenting events have been a tremendous source of inspiration for us journalism students."

ByQu Yangyi
Photo byWen Yujie
Copyedited byZeng Chenxi