The 30thRed Rock Lecture was held on13thJun. 2022and hosted by Prof. Zhang Banghui, the dean of our School.By taking the sixth Chongqing Municipal Congress of the CPC as a starting point, Prof. Ma Qike explained the important spirits of the congressthrough the five comprehensive answers to what flag to hold, what path to take, what goals to achieve, how to achieve the goals and in what mental state todo it.
The main content ofhislecturewasfromthe followingfive aspects:firstly, fully understand the extreme importance of ideological and political education;secondly,givefull play to the fine tradition, political advantages and heirloom roleof theideological and political work; thirdly, the maineffectsof ideological and political work since the 18th National Congress of the CPC;fourthly, principles of ideological and political work in the new era;Finally,the basic methods of ideological and political work in the new era.
At the end of lecture,taking his years of experience in ideological and political work and academic research for example, Prof. Ma Qike called on the teachers and students inthe School of Marxism to grasp the historical opportunity in the new era and play a better role of the ideological and political education lifeline with their own professional advantages.
After the lecture, Luo Di, secretary ofthe Committee of CPC inSchool of Marxism, expressed his cordial gratitude to Prof. Ma Qike for his wonderfulexplanationandthoughttoday's lectureextremelydetailed and brilliant, which has a strong practical guiding significance for our ideological and political work. Afterwards, Prof. Ma interacted with everyone who asked him with substantial content and vivid cases.
By Dong Ruiqi
Photo by Zhang Shouxin
Copyedited byZhou Lingyu