
编辑:gys 发布时间:2020-06-12 11:56



2015.4 — 2016.4美国南加州大学Keck医院脊柱外科中心 访问学者

2006.03-2006.06 德国拜罗伊特医学中心 访问学者

2002.9 — 2005.6第三军医大学外科学骨外科专业 医学博士

1996.8 — 1999.6第三军医大学外科学骨外科专业 医学硕士

1988.8 — 1994.7 第三军医大学临床医学专业 医学学士


2019.6 —至今新桥医院骨科 主任

2014.9 —至今 新桥医院骨科 主任医师、教授

2008.9 — 2014.9 新桥医院骨科 副主任医师、副教授

2006.8 — 2008.8新桥医院骨科 副主任医师、副教授(资格)

2000.8 — 2006.7新桥医院骨科 主治医师、讲师

1994.7 — 2000.7 新桥医院骨科 住院医师




1. 文章

[1] Li, H., Jiang, C., Mu, X., Lan, W., Zhou, Y., and Li, C. (2018) Comparison of MED and PELD in the Treatment of Adolescent Lumbar Disc Herniation: A 5-Year Retrospective Follow-Up, World Neurosurg 112, e255-e260.

[2] Zhang, W., Li, H., Zhou, Y., Wang, J., Chu, T., Zheng, W., Chen, B., and Li, C. (2016) Minimally Invasive Posterior Decompression Combined With Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Fixation for the Treatment of Thoracolumbar Fractures With Neurological Deficits: A Prospective Randomized Study Versus Traditional Open Posterior Surgery, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 41 Suppl 19, B23-B29.

[3] Lu, K., Li, H. Y., Yang, K., Wu, J. L., Cai, X. W., Zhou, Y., and Li, C. Q. (2017) Exosomes as potential alternatives to stem cell therapy for intervertebral disc degeneration: in-vitro study on exosomes in interaction of nucleus pulposus cells and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, Stem Cell Res Ther 8, 108.

[4] Han, X. B., Zhang, Y. L., Li, H. Y., Chen, B., Chang, X., Zhang, W., Yang, K., Zhou, Y., and Li, C. Q. (2015) Differentiation of Human Ligamentum Flavum Stem Cells Toward Nucleus Pulposus-Like Cells Induced by Coculture System and Hypoxia, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 40, E665-674.

[5] Chang, X., Lv, Y. F., Chen, B., Li, H. Y., Han, X. B., Yang, K., Zhang, W., Zhou, Y., and Li, C. Q. (2015) Vertebroplasty versus kyphoplasty in osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture: a meta-analysis of prospective comparative studies, Int Orthop 39, 491-500.

[6] Chang, X., Chen, B., Li, H. Y., Han, X. B., Zhou, Y., and Li, C. Q. (2014) The safety and efficacy of minimally invasive discectomy: a meta-analysis of prospective randomised controlled trials, Int Orthop 38, 1225-1234.

[7] Lan, W. R., Pan, S., Li, H. Y., Sun, C., Chang, X., Lu, K., Jiang, C. Q., Zuo, R., Zhou, Y., and Li, C. Q. (2019) Inhibition of the Notch1 Pathway Promotes the Effects of Nucleus Pulposus Cell-Derived Exosomes on the Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Nucleus Pulposus-Like Cells in Rats, Stem Cells Int 2019, 8404168.

2. 项目

(1) 国家自然科学基金(POTEB竞争性入核抑制Wnt/β-catenin信号通路及其与Notch通路交互作用在骨髓间充质干细胞向髓核细胞分化中的作用机制研究 )一项;

(2) 陆军军医大学重点培育项目(新型经皮内镜下腰椎间融合技术的基础与临床应用)一项;

(3) 陆军军医大学重点专项(基于人工智能的腰椎间盘突出症微创外科治疗体系建立)一项;

(4) 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目(腰椎间盘突出症手术个体化辅助决策系统的建立与临床应用)一项

3. 获奖



