
编辑: 发布时间:2024-04-07 10:20






2020.07-至今, 重庆大学附属肿瘤医院,肿瘤内科,副研究员

2017.01-2020.06, 陆军军医大学,第二附属医院肿瘤科,博士后


(1) 肿瘤免疫、代谢

(2) 造血干细胞分化

(3) 蛋白质修饰、表观遗传




(1) Chen Yijiao; Li Yongsheng*;Wu Lei*. Protein S-palmitoylation modification: implications in tumor and tumor immune microenvironment.Frontiers in Immunology.2024, 15. (IF:7.3,最后通讯)

(2)Wu Lei; Liu Xudong; Lei Juan; Zhang Nan; Zhao Huakan; Zhang Jiangang; Deng Huan; Li Yongsheng*. Fibrinogen-like protein 2 promotes tumor immune suppression by regulating cholesterol metabolism in myeloid-derived suppressor cells.J. Immunother.2023, 12(11). (IF:10.9,一作)

(3)WenJiaqi; Yang Shuai; Yan Guifang; Lei Juan; Liu Xudong; Zhang Nan; Zhang Jiangang; Deng Huan;Wu Lei*; Li Yongsheng*. Increased OIT3 in macrophages promotes PD-L1 expressionand hepatocellular carcinogenesis via NF-κB signaling.Experimental Cell Research.2023, 428(2): 113651.(IF:4.145,共同通讯)

(4)Wu L, Xu Y,Zhao H, Zhou Y, Chen Y, Yang S, Lei J, Zhang J, Wang J, Wu Y(*), Li Y(*). FcγRIIB potentiates differentiation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells to mediate tumor immunoescape.Theranostics. 2022 Jan 1, 12 (2): 842-858.(IF:11.556,一作)

(5)Wu L(#),Zhang X(#), Zheng L(#), Zhao H, Yan G, Zhang Q, Zhou Y, Lei J, Zhang J, Wang J, Xin R, Jiang L, Peng J, Chen Q, Lam S, Shui G, Miao H, Li Y*. RIPK3 orchestrates fatty acid metabolism in tumor-associated macrophages and hepatocarcinogenesis.Cancer Immunol Res.2020 May;8(5):710-721.(IF:12.06,一作)

(6)Wu Lei(#), Xu Yanquan(#), Zhao Huakan(#), Li Yongsheng(*). RNase T2 in Inflammation and Cancer: Immunological and Biological Views.Front Immunol.2020; 13(11):1554. (IF:7.561,一作)

(7)Zhao Huakan(#),Wu Lei(#), Yan Guifang(#), Chen Yu(#), Zhou Mingyue(#), Wu Yongzhong(*), Li Yongsheng(*). Inflammation and tumor progression: signaling pathways and targeted intervention.Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021;6(1):263 (IF:38.187;共一排2)

(8)Zhang X(#),Wu L(#), Xu Y, Yu H, Chen Y, Zhao H, Lei J, Zhou Y, Zhang J, Wang J, Peng J, Jiang L, Sheng H, Li Y(*). Microbiota-derived SSL6 enhances the sensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma to sorafenib by down-regulating glycolysis.Cancer Lett.2020 Jul 1;481:32-44.(IF: 8.679;共一排2)

(9)Zhou Y(#), Lei J(#), Xie Q(#),Wu L(#), Jin S, Guo B, Wang X, Yan G, Zhang Q, Zhao H, Zhang J, Zhang X, Wang J, Gu J, Liu X, Ye D, Miao H*, Serhan CN(*), Li Y(*). Fibrinogen-like protein 2 controls sepsis catabasis by interacting with resolvin Dp5.Sci Adv.2019, 5: aax0629(IF:14.14;共一排4)

(10)Wu, Lei; Liu, Tao; Xiao, Yan; Li, Xin; Zhu, Yanan; Zhao, Yan; Bao, Jinku; Wu, Chuanfang(*).Polygonatum odoratum lectin induces apoptosis and autophagy by regulation of microRNA-1290 and microRNA-15a-3p in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells.Int J Biol Macromol2016, 85:217-226. (IF:6.953,一作)

(11)Wu, L; Zhou, N; Sun, R; Chen, X D; Feng, S C; Zhang, B; Bao, J K.(*).Network-based identification of key proteins involved in apoptosis and cell cycle regulation.Cell Prolif,2014, 47(4): 356-368.(IF:6.831,一作)

(12)Wu, Lei; Bao, Jin-Ku(*).Anti-tumor and anti-viral activities of Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA)-related lectins.Glycoconj J,2013, 30(3): 269-279. (IF:2.197,一作)


1.FcγRIIB激活脂肪酸代谢诱导肿瘤相关巨噬细胞向M2型极化的分子机制研究(82271885,国自然面上项目), 2023-2026 (52万,主持)

2.RIPK3通过FoxO1-PDK2信号通路诱导TAMs向M1型极化的分子机制研究(81901624,国自然青年项目), 2020-2022 (21万,主持)

3.肿瘤来源的外泌体通过Sp1/Fgl2-FCGRIIB通路诱导MDSC免疫抑制功能的分子机制研究(2019XQN10,陆军军医大学青年培育项目), 2020-2022 (20万,主持)

4.重庆市博士后留渝科研资助2020.7-2024.7 (K545,15万,主持)


6. RIPK3在肿瘤相关巨噬细胞脂肪酸代谢重编程中的作用研究(2017M613344,中国博士后61批面上),2017-2020 (5万,主持)

7. RIPK3在肿瘤相关巨噬细胞脂肪酸代谢重编程中的作用研究(重庆博士后特别资助), 2017-2020 (5万,主持)

8.肠道微生物调控PGC1α重编程肿瘤相关巨噬细胞脂代谢在肝癌发生中的作用机制(81920108027,国自然国际地区合作), 2020-2024 (248万,参与)



