姓 名:黄川
PI,博士生导师,重庆英才青年拔尖人才,长期从事于RNA结合蛋白(RNA-binding proteins,RBPs)领域的研究,并聚焦RBP的转录和转录后调控功能。2016年3月毕业于中国科学技术大学,并获理学博士学位。2016年6月起,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学从事博士后研究工作,并于2018年10月入职重庆大学。近年以通讯/一作在Nature Structural & Molecular Biology、Genes & Development、Nucleic Acids Research、Nature Communications、Cell Discovery、WIREs RNA、Trends in Cell Biology、Trends in Biochemical Sciences等国际顶尖学术期刊发表多篇重要论文,他引次数超过4000次。
(#corresponding author/通讯作者)
(1). Chen X, Huang C#. Chromatin-interacting RNA-binding proteins regulate transcription. Trends in Cell Biology 2023; 33:625-629.
(2). Song Z, Lin J, Su R, Ji Y, Jia R, Li S, Shan G, Huang C#. eIF3j inhibits translation of a subset of circular RNAs in eukaryotic cells. Nucleic Acids Research 2022; 50:11529–11549. (F1000prime Recommendation)
(3). Chen L, Wang Y, Lin J, Song Z, Wang Q, Zhao W, Wang Y, Xiu X, Deng Y, Li X, Li Q, Wang X, Li J, Liu X, Liu K, Zhou J, Li K, Liu Y, Liao S, Deng Q, Xu C, Sun Q, Wu S, Zhang K, Guan M, Zhou T, Sun F, Cai X, Huang C#, Shan G#. Exportin 4 depletion leads to nuclear accumulation of a subset of circular RNAs. Nature Communications 2022; 13:5769.
(4). Jia R, Lin J, You J, Li S, Shan G, Huang C#. The DEAD-box helicase Hlc regulates basal transcription and chromatin opening of stress-responsive genes. Nucleic Acids Research 2022; 50:9175-9189.
(5). Chen X, Zhou M, Yant L, Huang C#. Circular RNA in disease: basic properties and biomedical relevance. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-RNA 2022; 13:e1723.
(6). Chen L, Huang C#, Shan G#. Circular RNAs in physiology and non-immunological diseases. Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2022; 47:250-264.
(7). You J, Song Z, Lin J, Jia R, Xia F, Li Z, Huang C#. RNAi-directed knockdown induces nascent transcript degradation and premature transcription termination in the nucleus. Cell Discovery 2021; 7:79.
(8). Jia R, Song Z, Lin J, Li Z, Shan G, Huang C#. Gawky modulates MTF-1-mediated transcription activation and metal discrimination. Nucleic Acids Research 2021; 49:6296-6314. (Research Highlights in Current Opinion in Insect Science)
(9). Song Z, Jia R, Tang M, Xia F, Xu H, Li Z, Huang C#. Antisense oligonucleotide technology can be used to investigate a circular but not linear RNA-mediated function for its encoded gene locus. Science China-Life Sciences 2021; 64:784-794.
(10). Song Z, Lin J, Li Z, Huang C#. The nuclear functions of long noncoding RNAs come into focus. Noncoding RNA Research 2021; 6:70-79.
(11). Zhou M, Xiao MS, Li Z, Huang C#. New progresses of circular RNA biology: from nuclear export to degradation. RNA Biology 2021; 18:1365-1373.
(12). Jia R, Xiao M, Li Z, Shan G, Huang C#. Defining an evolutionarily conserved role of GW182 in circular RNA degradation. Cell Discovery 2019; 5:49.
(13). Li Z, Kearse GM, Huang C#. The nuclear export of circular RNAs is primarily defined by their length. RNA Biology 2019; 16:1-4.
(14). Huang C, Liang D, Tatomer DC, Wilusz JE. A length-dependent evolutionarily conserved pathway controls nuclear export of circular RNAs. Genes & Development 2018; 32:639-644. (F1000prime Recommendation; Selected for an Outlook in Genes & Development; Perspectives and Commentary in Science: The long and short of RNA export. Science Vol. 360, No. 6393)
(15). Huang C, Wang X, Liu X, Cao S, Shan G. RNAi pathway participates in chromosome segregation in mammalian cells. Cell Discovery 2015; 1:15029. (Featured Article in Cell Discovery)
(16). Chen L, Huang C, Wang X, Shan G. Circular RNAs in Eukaryotic Cells. Current Genomics 2015; 16:312-318.
(17). Huang C, Shan G. What happens at or after transcription: Insights into circRNA biogenesis and function. Transcription 2015; 6:61-64.
(18). Li Z*, Huang C*, Bao C*, Chen L, Lin M, Wang X, et al. Exon-intron circular RNAs regulate transcription in the nucleus. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2015; 22:256-64. (*co-first author; Research Highlights in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology: Circular RNAs promote transcription, 2015, 16(4); Perspectives and Commentary in Science: Circular RNA transcriptional circuits, 2015, 347(6228):1327; Featured Article & Most Cited Paper in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology)
(19). Dai L, Huang C, Chen L, Shan G, Li ZY. Altered expression of microRNAs in the response to ER stress. Science Bulletin 2015; 60:202-209.