With the support of the national "985 Project" and "211 Project" platforms, College of Life Sciences of Chongqing University has achieved great progress recent years. It now has four major disciplinary orientations, includingbotany, microbiology, genetics and physiology.
Botany focuses on investigating the mechanism of hormone signal transduction, identification of important functional genes in plant development, and fruit development biology. Key Laboratory of Plant Hormones and Development Regulation of Chongqing was established in 2018. To date, it has undertaken 11 National Natural Science Foundation Projects, 3 sub-projects of the national key R & D plan, and 6 other provincial or ministerial projects.
Microbiology focuses on investigatingthe underlying mechanisms of interactions between microorganisms and plantsandinsects.The research and development of biopesticideshaveachievedgreat progress and exhibit great influence in world.Their group has won the first-level prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Invention.
Genetics mainly focuses on model organisms such asBombyx mori, Drosophila, bacteria and yeast, to study the evolutionary mechanism and functional genetics through bioinformatics, molecular biology, cell biology and genetic methods. Currently, it has undertaken the "863program" of the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Chongqing Natural Science Fund.
Physiology mainly focuses on investigatingthe gene regulatory network of major chronic diseases, as well as the clinical problems.Theyaim to study tumor biotherapy, multimodal medical imaging, and disease diagnosis and analysis. Their achievements have won the first-level prize of Chongqing Natural Science Award.