After months of hard work, the Chongqing University Jessup Team closes another successful season. Unfortunately, due to the impact of the epidemic, the Chinese national rounds of the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition had been cancelled, but adopted special supplementary rules and enlisted more than 400 domestic and international judges to score the written pleadings. In March the organizing committee of the Jessup China Division announced the list of winners. Of the 56 teams in the Chinese national rounds, Chongqing University was selected as one of the First Prize winners of the 18th Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in China, ranking 11thin the country.
The team of Chongqing University is led by Associate Professor HOU Qian, Associate Professor HU Bin, and Dr. David J. DEVLAEMINCK as team coaches and participating team members include XIE Jiarui (graduate student), and GAN Ziling, TIAN Guo, ZHAN Yongqi and YAO Dan (undergraduate students). Although this year was particularly challenging, they have made significant progress this semester and over the past years. Our school team has advanced to the semi-finals four times in the past five years, and has qualified for the International Rounds in Washington DC twice. Our team has won one international best pleading, four national First Prizes, four Best Oralist awards, and one national Best Pleading.
Our students and coaches look forward to starting a new season in the Fall with the release of next year’s compromis!