Full Time Faculty

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ZHANG Caiqin, Professor (Intellectual Property Law)


Research Interests

Environmental Protection Law, Intellectual Property Law


1982 – Bachelor of Plant Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, China

1993 – LLM, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China

2012 – PhD, Wuhan University of Technology, China

Select Publications

New Theory on the Intellectual Property Protection of Biodiversity, Guangming Daily Press (2016) (in Chinese).

The Theory of Subject and Object and the Construction of Environmental Protection Law, Academic Monthly, vol.4 (2017) (in Chinese).

Comparison of China's Carbon Emission Trading Rights Distribution Model, Question, vol.2 (2015) (in Chinese).

Exploring the Perfection of Land and Forest Systems from a Comparative Perspective, Journal of Law, vol.5 (2009) (in Chinese).

On the Construction of China's Securities Error Trading Revocation System, French Business Research, vol. 5 (2014) (in Chinese).


Email: caiqins@126.com

Phone: 13983010949
