Full Time Faculty

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ZENG Wenge, Professor (International Law)


Research Interests

International Economic Law, International Environmental Law


1987 – Bachelor of Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China

2002 – LLM (Economic Law), Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China

2003 – PhD (Economic Law), Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China

2011 – Postdoctoral Degree (International Law), Wuhan University, China

Visiting Experience

2004 – Visiting Scholar, School of Law, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong (China)

2005-05 – Visiting Scholar, School of Law, University of Florida, USA

Select Publications

WTO Agricultural Products Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM) Research, Wuhan University Press, 2012 (in Chinese).

Research on the Legal System of Special Economic Zones, University of International Business and Economics Press, 2012 (in Chinese).

Analysis of the Construction of China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Zone Agricultural Products Market Access Negotiation, Northeast Asia Forum, vol. 1 (2012) (in Chinese).

Institutional Analysis of RMB Internationalization in the Context of Post-Financial Crisis, Shanghai Finance, vol.5 (2011) (in Chinese).

Competition and Choice of CAFTA and WTO Dispute Jurisdiction, Academia, vol.1 (2010) (in Chinese).


Email: zengwenge@126.com
