Full Time Faculty

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DONG Zhengai, Associate Professor (Environmental and Natural Resources Protection Law)


Research Interests

Environmental and Resources Protection Law, Energy Law, Planning and Construction Law


2005 – Bachelor of Law, Chongqing University, China

2008 – LLM, Chongqing University, China

2011 – PhD, Chongqing University, China

Select Publications

The Normative Foundation of the Ecological Order Law and the Construction of the Rule of Law, Law Press, 2015 (in Chinese).

The Path to Change in Responses to Legal Regulations of Environmental Risk,Social Science Research, vol. 4 (2015) (in Chinese).

Research on the Legalization of the Dual Structure of Ecological Order,Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition),vol. 5 (2013) (in Chinese).

The Legal Form of the Ecological Order Under Human Discourse,Inner Mongolia SocialScience (Chinese version),vol. 4, 2013 (in Chinese).

The Legal Structure of Ecological Order in the Process of Social Transformation and Development,Law Review, vol. 5 (2012) (in Chinese).
