Full Time Faculty

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FAN Weihong, Associate Professor (Economic Law)


Research Interests

Economic Law, Labor and Social Security Law, Finance and Taxation Law, Administrative Law


1998 – Bachelor of Law, Southwest University of Political Science, China

2007 – LLM (Economic Law), Chongqing University, China

Current – PhD Candidate

Select Publications

Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law (edited collection), Chongqing University Press, 2010 (in Chinese).

On the Litigation System of Shareholders' Dividends in China, Seeking, vol. 3, (2013) (in Chinese).

Research on Resolutions for Risk Prevention in Tax Law Enforcement, Theory and Reform, vol. 3, (2014) (in Chinese).

Complementary to the Main Body: Methods and Paths of Official Consumption Governance, Economic Law Forum, (2013) (in Chinese).

The Value of Deng Xiaoping's Southern Speech Tour, Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), vol. 18 (2012) (in Chinese).


Email: 422737140@qq.com
