Full Time Faculty

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HU Jing, Lecturer (Litigation)


Research Interests

Criminal Procedural Law, Criminal Justice System


2011 – Bachelor of Law, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China

2013 – LLM, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

2018 – PhD, China University of Political Science and Law, China

Visiting Experience

2016-17 – Visiting Scholar, University of Cincinnati, USA

Select Publications

Retrial of the Judgment of "Neither Suspicious Crime" and Law, vol. 9, 2016 (in Chinese).

Procedural Control of the Death Penalty in China: From the Perspective of Procedural Review of the Death Penalty, Journal of Lanzhou University (Social Sciences Edition), vol. 6 (2016) (in Chinese).

American Plea Negotiation Procedure and Its Importance to the Leniency System of Plea and Punishment in China, Gansu Social Sciences, vol. 4 (2017) (in Chinese).

Discussion on the Attributes of the Right to Examine and Approve Arrest, Western Law Review, vol. 6 (2016) (in Chinese).

Summary of Seminar on the Implementation of Criminal Legal Aid, China Judiciary, vol.11 (2014) (in Chinese).


Email: hxd_1989@126.com
