Full Time Faculty

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CHEN Boli, Professor (Constitutional and Administrative Law)


Research Interests

Constitutional and Administrative Law


1988 – Bachelor of Law, Northeast Normal University, China

1991 – LLM (History of Western Political Thought), Northeast Normal University, China

1997 – PhD (Jurisprudence), Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

Visiting Experience

2004 – School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China)

2010 – Institute of Law, Institute of Law, Central Research Institute, Taiwan (China)

Select Publications

The Impact of China’s Contemporary Cultural Transition on Environmental Law,Inner Mongolia Social Sciences, vol. 1 (2011) (in Chinese).

Administrative Law and Administrative Procedural Law (co-authored), Wuhan University Press, 2011 (in Chinese).

Theoretical Interpretation and Legislative Response to the Rule of Law for the People's Livelihood, Law Forum, vol. 6 (2012) (in Chinese).

Outline of Public Guardianship System for Psychiatric Persons in China, Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, No. 5, 2013 (in Chinese).

Legislative Research on Social Security for Prisoners,Guangxi Social Sciences, vol. 4, (2013) (in Chinese).
