
FAQs forInternational Students

What are we looking for from applicants for degrees in the liberal arts college?

The most important thing you will be assessed on is your competence in humanities subjects, not only your language skills (language requirements can be found in the application procedure), but also your ability to read and comprehend different literatures, both in Chinese and western languages .However, this does not mean that applicants have to become mature academics before applying; on the contrary, we will be looking for aptitude and potential, rather than for existing knowledge of particular texts or disciplines.

When does the application begin?

Usually, the application season is between early January and early April of each year, but it also depends on for which scholarship you would like to apply. Please visit the application website of Chongqing University for specific time nodes.

How do I choose a major?

For application to our undergraduate program, you don’t have to choose a major (Chinese literature, history, and philosophy). In fact, you don’t have to choose one until the third year of the program. Before then, you will take various courses, covering works of many classical authors; that is, during the first two years, you have enough time to think about which areas or disciplines you are most interested in and can also do well in, without at the same time getting too narrowly focused.

For application to our graduate programs, normally you should have a corresponding BA/MA degree. You can find detailed information in the program website of the college.

Does the liberal art college offer any form of scholarship?

Information on scholarships at Chongqing University can be found in the application website of the university. The college does not offer independent scholarships that cover the living expenses and tuition of students. However, students can apply for financial support if they apply for international exchange programs offered by the university.

Should I start reading books in a specialized area before applying?

Absolutely, but neither too fast nor too much. You should read slowly and carefully, with at least two aims in mind.

First, understand what the author tried to say. Since great authors often had great arguments, try hard to grasp the information in reading materials and don’t haste to give counter-arguments of your own.

Second, on this basis, you may write an essay, i.e., a writing sample, about the materials you choose and have read, with focus on a specific problem or question, showing not only your ability of reading comprehension but also your academic writing.

What should I read?

In the liberal arts college, particular emphasis will be placed on primary sources. Each major in the college is a very large field. This makes it difficult to recommend good places to start for people who know nothing about Chinese literature, history, or philosophy. This list, therefore, will focus on the books that will be taught and studied in the college. It will be helpful if the applicants have already read some of them:

The Book of Poetry

The Four Books

The Records of the Grand Historian






What should I say in my ‘longer’ personal statement?

A ‘longer’ personal statement is a chance to talk about yourself, especially your unique talents and experiences related to the subject. It should cover the reasons why you are applying to the liberal arts college and why you are interested in programs offered here.

As you have seen in our programs, too simple and general answers such as ‘interested in Chinese culture’ or ‘aimed at improving Chinese language’ are not good enough. We expect to know the abilities you have that will help you on the specialized courses.

Besides that, your work experience and future plans are also very important to include. If possible, you could share details of placements, jobs, work or reading experience, particularly when it is relevant to courses.

What should I expect if I’ve been invited for interview?

The interviews are different depending on what you have applied for and your application materials, but usually the procedure may only be 15-20 minutes in length. Of course, a concise, compelling story about who you are and why you applied to the college is necessary. You will probably also be asked some questions that you may never considered before, but don’t be nervous and take it easy, for we will assess the applicants comprehensively.

Overseas applicants may be interviewed by video call, and, according to requirements of Chongqing University, the whole interview procedure will be recorded.

Are there any aids for integration in the liberal arts college, if I have gained admission?

Unlike universities in western countries, Chinese universities have a ‘thick’ concept of class, which means that, when enrolled, you will belong to a small unit with close ties among college classmates. During your studies, you will be spending a lot of time with them.

Don’t be shy to build new friendships with your classmates and other local students and, when needed, ask them for help, either on your studies or on administrative procedures. You will also find that exchanging ideas and perspectives with friends from different cultural backgrounds will benefit not only your studies but also your future life.
