About Boya

Embracing the ethos of tailoring education to individual aptitude, Boya College espouses a unique pedagogical approach that revolves around the fundamental tenets of the humanities. Central to its mission is the cultivation of an "academy" model, fostering an intellectual community that promotes immersive learning experiences under the guidance of esteemed educators.

Nurturing Engagement through Small-Class Settings

Boya College upholds a remarkably low student-to-faculty ratio of 4:1, creating an intimate and conducive learning environment that fosters robust classroom interactions. This intimate setting creates a dynamic atmosphere that synergizes teaching with impactful academic research, facilitating a comprehensive and enriched learning journey for each student.

Facilitating Direct Communication through Dedicated Office Hours

Recognizing the importance of direct, one-on-one interactions, every course instructor dedicates specific hours each week for student visits, ensuring open lines of communication and creating a supportive learning environment that values individualized mentorship and guidance.


Empowering Students through the Mentor Program

Through a meticulously designed mentorship program, each student is paired with an academic mentor during their initial two years, providing invaluable guidance on both academic and personal matters. As students progress into their third year, the torch is passed to an academic advisor, who offers specialized support tailored to the students' chosen fields of study, nurturing a holistic and well-rounded educational experience.

Comprehensive Support Framework: Advisor, Mentor, and Course Instructor

Complementing the mentor program, Boya College further reinforces its commitment to student success through a comprehensive advising system. There are two experienced advisors responsible for helping students navigate their college life. Furthermore, a faculty member is appointed as the head teacher for each class, creating a robust support network that ensures personalized guidance throughout their academic journey.

Cultivating a Sense of Social Responsibility through Public Service and Practical Training

Boya College is steadfast in its commitment to fostering a strong sense of civic duty and social responsibility among its students. Encouraging students to actively engage in a diverse array of social practices, the college integrates practical training initiatives such as the "class representative rotation" system, scholarly event hosting, urban and rural field investigations, theatrical performances, as well as research-oriented and creative endeavors, instilling in students a comprehensive skill set that extends beyond the classroom and impacts the broader community.
