时间 :2024年05月28日 10时30分
地点 :A校区能动学院301会议室
主讲人 :Prof. Eric TRABLY
The development of green technologies to produce renewable energy and molecules and optimize the valorization of wastestreams are crucial to ensure the sustainability of these bioeconomical systems. In particular, green hydrogen is considered as one of the most serious alternatives to fossil fuels in the transportation sector. The conversion of raw biomass or organic waste by biological processes is very promising as these processes present the lowest environmental impacts and hydrogen can be produced concomitantly with valuable bio d molecules. However, environmental bioprocesses are d on mixed culture fermentation that present high flexibility and adaptability but also have disadvantages such as a high variability and thermody-namic limitations. To overcome these issues, coupling dark fermentation and bioelectrochemical technologies has been intensively investigated over the past decade and some examples will be presented here. By extension, a new method of bioprocess control so-called electrofermentation has been recently proposed combining the fields of fermentation and electromicrobiology. The fundamentals of electrofermentation, including interspecies electron transfer (IET) as core mechanism, will be presented as well as some experimental evidence of a better control of the microbial bolic pathways towards the production of biohydrogen and other valuable bio- d molecules.
Dr. Eric TRABLY is Director of Research at INRAE and Deputy Head of the INRAE-LBE research unit. His academic background deals with environmental biotechnology, and more particularly microbial ecosystem engineering, microbial ecology and physiology in mixed cultures. Since 2007, Eric Trably has been leading the research group on “Biohydrogen production by dark fermentation in mixed cultures” at INRAE-LBE. He coordinated several major research programs (InGEcoH and ProBHyM) with the ives of the optimization of biohydrogen and biomolecules production by fermentation of waste. He has also been involved in several EU projects dealing with “valorization of waste stream into bioenergy and bio d molecules”. More recently, he developed new approaches in electromicrobiology also called electrofermentation. He was awarded for his innovative research on biotechnologies in waste/wastewater treatment systems, by the French ADEME price of Innovation in 2012 and 2013 and the French Circular Economy Prize (Research category) in 2018. He has (co)authored ~400 references, including ~145 papers in high ranked journals, patents, book chapters, and ~150 communications at international conferences. Since 2014, he has been involved as French representative at the International Energy Agency (IEA) - Hydrogen Technology Cooperation Program (H2-TCP) in taskgroup on “green Hydrogen” – “BioH2”, and is member of the Latino-American BioH2 Network. Since 2020, he is the Regional representative at the Europe (“an Federation of Biotechnology (EFB), Division of Environmental Biotechnology. His H-index is 48 (Scopus) or (Google Scholar).