

2023.12.06 浏览量:

Self-assembly of 2D metal oxide nanostructures for electrochemical energy applications

主讲人 :孙子其 教授

Two-dimensional (2D) materials present exotic electronic properties and high specific surface areas and demonstrate promising applications ranging from electronics to energy storage and conversion. The atomic thickness of 2D materials gives the materials with some fascinating properties compared with those in other dimensionalities. In this presentation, we will report a generalized approach to molecular self-assembly of ultrathin 2D nanosheets of transition l oxides by rationally employing lamellar reverse micelles. It is worth noting that the synthesized crystallized ultrathin transition l oxide nanosheets possess confined thickness, high specific surface area, and abundant chemically reactive sites, so that they have demonstrated promising applications in nanostructured electronics, photonics, sensors, and energy conversion and storage devices. To overcome some intrinsic disadvantages of pristine 2D materials, modification and heterostructure engineering have also proposed to further enhance the performance of 2D materials in sustainable energy storage and conversion applications.


孙子其教授,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学终身教授(Full Professor)、澳大利亚优秀青年基金(ARC DECRA)和未来学者(Future Fellow)基金获得者,英国高等教育院会士(FHEA)和皇家化学会会士(FRSC)。2003年中南大学材料学院获得学士学位并进入中国科学院金属研究所硕博连读,于2009年获工学博士学位。同年获得日本国立材料研究所博士后研究基金和德国洪堡学者基金支持。2010年加入澳大利亚卧龙岗大学并在澳大利亚国家奖研金、澳大利亚创新项目、卧龙岗大学校长奖研金、澳大利亚优秀青年科学家等基金支持进行金属氧化物纳米材料方面的研究。2015年获终身教职加入昆士兰科技大学。目前孙子其已在国际著名期刊Nature Nanotech., Nature Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater. 等发表论文近200篇,引用12,500余次,h因子63。另外孙子其还是SCI期刊 Sustainable Materials and Technologies (IF = 9.6)主编(Editor-in-Chief),美国材料协会旗舰杂志Journal of Materials Research分主编 (Principal Editor) 以及Journal of Materials Science and Technology 和Surface Innovations副主编。


