






2005年7月–2014年4月 华虹宏力半导体制造有限公司资深主任工程师

2014年4月–2020年1月 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学中心实验室研究科学家

2020年1月–至今 重庆大学前沿交叉学科研究院特聘助理研究员










1.Managing grains and interfaces via ligand anchoring enables 22.3%-efficiency inverted perovskite solar cells, X. Zheng, Y. Hou, C. Bao, J. Yin, F. Yuan, Z. Huang, K. Song, J. Liu, J. Troughton, N. Gasparini, C. Zhou, Y. Lin, D. Xue, B. Chen, A. Johnston,N. Wei, M. Hedhili, M. Wei, A. Alsalloum, P. Maity, B. Turedi, C. Yang, D. Baran, T. Anthopoulos, Y. Han, Z. Lu, O. Mohammed, F. Gao, E. Sargent, O. Bakr,Nature Energy, 2020, 5, 131-140

2.Deciphering photocarrier dynamics for tuneable high-performance perovskite-organic semiconductor heterojunction phototransistors, Y. Lin, W. Huang, P. Pattanasattayavong, J. Lim, R. Li, N. Sakai, J. Panidi, M. Hong, C. Ma,N. Wei, N. Wehbe, Z. Fei, M. Heeney, J. Labram, T. Anthopoulos, H. Snaith,Nature Communications, 2019, 10

3.Edge stabilization in reduced-dimensional perovskites., N. Li, D. Ma, Y. Zhao, O. Voznyy, H. Yuan, E. Bladt, J. Pan, F. Garcia de Arquer, R. Sabatini, Z. Piontkowski, A. Emwas, P. Todorovic, R. Quintero-Bermudez, G. Walters, J. Fan, M. Liu, H. Tan, M. Saidaminov, L. Gao, Y. Li, D. Anjum,N. Wei, J. Tang, D. McCamant, M. Roeffaers, S. Bals, J. Hofkens, O. Bakr, Z. Lu, E. Sargent,Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 170

4.Investigating the Origin of Enhanced C2+Selectivity in Oxide-/Hydroxide-Derived Copper Electrodes during CO2Electroreduction, Q. Lei, H. Zhu, K. Song,N. Wei, L. Liu, D. Zhang, J. Yin, X. Dong, K. Yao, N. Wang, X. Li, B. Davaasuren, J. Wang, Y. Han,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 4213-4222

5.An Oxygen-Insensitive Hydrogen Evolution Catalyst Coated by a Molybdenum-Based Layer for Overall Water Splitting, A. Garcia-Esparza, T. Shinagawa, S. Ould-Chikh, M. Qureshi, X. Peng,N. Wei, D. Anjum, A. Clo, T. Weng, D. Nordlund, D. Sokaras, J. Kubota, K. Domen, K. Takanabe,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56, 5780-5784

6.Facile Formation of High-Quality InGaN/GaN Quantum-Disks-in-Nanowires on Bulk-Metal Substrates for High-Power Light-Emitters, C. Zhao, T. Ng,N. Wei, A. Prabaswara, M. Alias, B. Janjua, C. Shen, B. Ooi,Nano Letters, 2016, 16, 1056-1063

7.Light-Responsive Ion-Redistribution-Induced Resistive Switching in Hybrid Perovskite Schottky Junctions, X. Guan, W. Hu, M. Haque,N. Wei, Z. Liu, A. Chen, T. Wu,Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28

8.Highly Stable Supercapacitors with Conducting Polymer Core-Shell Electrodes for Energy Storage Applications, C. Xia, W. Chen; X. Wang, M. Hedhili,N. Wei, H. Alshareef,Advanced Energy Materials, 2015, 5
