Li Ma
Contact information
Email:mali3241@cqu.edu.cn,Tel(lab.): 023-65106159
Research direction
New chemical materials
Representative papers, monographs and patents
[1] Hui Yin, Li Ma*, Mengyu Gan, et al. Preparation and properties of poly(2,3- dimethylaniline)/organic-kaolinite nanocomposites via in situ intercalative polymerization. Composites Science and Technology. 2014(94): 139-146
[2] Fenfang Xu, Li Ma*, Mengyu Gan, et al. Preparation and characterization of chrial polyaniline/barium hexaferrite composite with enhanced microwave absorbing properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014(593):24-29
[3] Shuang Xie, Mengyu Gan, Li Ma*, et al. Synthesis of polyaniline-titania nanotube arrays hybrid composite via self-assembling and graft polymerization for supercapacitor application. Electrochimica Acta. 2014(120): 408–415
[4] Jinlong Hu, Mengyu Gan, Li Ma*, et al. Synthesis and anticorrosive properties of polymer–clay nanocomposites via chemical grafting of polyaniline onto Zn-Al layered double hydroxides. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2014(240): 55-62
[5] Zhitao Li, Li Ma*, Mengyu Gan, et al. Synthesis and anticorrosion performance of poly(2,3-dimethylaniline)–TiO2composite. Progress in Organic Coatings. 2013, 76(9):1161-1167
[6] Zhitao Li, Li Ma*, Mengyu Gan, et al. Characterization and Anticorrosive Properties of Poly(2,3-dimethylaniline)/TiO2 Composite Synthesized by Emulsion Polymerization. Polymer composites. 2013, 34(5):740-745 ( JCR 3)
[7] Zhitao Li, Li Ma*, Wanglin Li, Mengyu Gan, et al. Characterization and anticorrosive properties of poly(2,3-dimethylaniline)/nano-Al2O3 composite synthesized by emulsion polymerization. Polymers for Advanced technologies. 2013, 24: 847–852 (JCR 3)
[8] Zhang Feng, Li Ma*, Yang Yan, et al. Novel electrochemical method for the characterization of the degree of chirality in chiral polyaniline. Chirality 2013, 25(1):39-42
[9] Wei Qiu, Li Ma*, Mengyu Gan, et al. Preparation and characterization of polyaniline nanofiber colloids. Polymer Engineering & Science. 2013, 53(8): 1631-1636
[10] Zhang Feng, Li Ma*, Yang Yan, et al. Several novel and effective methods for chiral polyaniline to recognize the configuration of alanine. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 2012, 23(6-7):411-414