Yun Gong

Shereceived her B. S. and Ph.D. degrees from Sichuan University and Beijing Institute of Technology, respectively.And she has finishedpostdoctoral research in Kyoto University,Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure ofMatter/Chinese Academy of Sciencesand Chongqing University in sequence. In 2006, she joined in Chongqing University.
Her research interestis the field of energy conversion andstorage,includingthe synthese ofmetal-organic frameworks(MOFs), nanostructured materials, and their application in lithium ion battery (LIB), lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery, supercapacitor and electrocatalysis, et al.
So far, she hasbeen in charge ofseveral proposals from National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaandChongqingNatural Science Foundation. As correponding author or the first author, she has publised ca. 70 academical journal papers, such as Nano energy, Journal of Materials Chemistry,ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces, Nanoscale,Electrochim Acta, Inorganic Chemistry, et al.
Lab: LC712, LC723
Representative papers:
1.KeYu Tao,Yun Gong,JianHua Lin,Epitaxial grown self-supporting NiSe/Ni3S2/Ni12P5vertical nanofiberarrays on Ni foam for high performance supercapacitor: matchedexposed facets and re-distribution of electron density,Nano Energy,2019, 55, 65-81. (IF =13.121)
2.Hua Mei Dan, Ke Yu Tao, Yang Hai, Li Liu,Yun Gong, (Co, Mn)-doped NiSe2- diethylenetriamine (dien) nanosheets and (Co, Mn, Sn)-doped NiSe2nanowires for high performance supercapacitor: compositional/morphological evolution and (Co, Mn)-induced electron transfer,Nanoscale, 2019,11(36),16810-16827.(IF =7.233)
3.Ji Ying Long,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin, Metal–organic framework – derived Co9S8@CoS@CoO@C nanoparticles as efficientelectro- and photo-catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5,10495-10509.(IF =9.931)
4.HuaMei Dan, KeYu Tao, QingFeng Zhou,Yun Gong,JianHua Lin, Ni-doped cobalt phosphite, Co11(HPO3)8(OH)6with different morphologies grown on Ni foam hydro(solvo)thermally for high performance supercapacitor,ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces,2018, 10 (37), 31340-31354.(IF =8.097)
5.Keyu Tao, Huamei Dan, Yang Hai, Li Liu,Yun Gong,LaF3Nanosheet-Induced Epitaxial Growth: Hollow (Co, Ni)2P/LaF3Nanotube Arrays Built by Porous Heterojunction Walls Grown on Ni Foam as Active Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction,Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59(10), 7000-7011. (IF =4.9)
6.Keyu Tao,HuameiDan, Yang Hai,Li Liu,Yun Gong,Ultrafine Co2P anchored on porous CoWO4nanofiber matrix for hydrogen evolution: Anion-induced compositional/morphological transformation and interfacial electron transfer,Electrochim Acta, 2019, 328, 135123.(IF =5.26)
7.QingFeng Zhou,Yun Gong,KeYu Tao,Calcination/phosphorization of dual Ni/Co-MOF into NiCoP/Cnanohybrid with enhanced electrochemical property forhigh energy density asymmetric supercapacitor,Electrochim Acta,2019,320, 134582-134596.(IF =5.26)
8.KeYu Tao,Yun Gong,Jian Hua Lin, Low-temperature synthesis of NiS/MoS2/C nanowires/nanoflakes as electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline medium via calcining/sulfurizing metal-organic frameworks,Electrochimica Acta,2018,274, 74-83.(IF =5.26)
9.QingFeng Zhou, JunZheng Wang, RuRong Zheng,Yun Gong, JianHua Lin, One-step mild synthesis of Mn-based spinel MnIICrIII2O4/MnIIMnIII2O4/C and Co-based spinel CoCr2O4/C nanoparticles as battery-type electrodes for high-performance supercapacitor application,Electrochimica Acta,2018,283, 197-211.(IF =5.26)
10.KeYu Tao,Yun Gong,QingFeng Zhou, Jian Hua Lin,Nickel sulfide wrapped by porous cobalt molybdate nanosheet arrays grown on Ni foam for oxygen evolution reaction and supercapacitor,Electrochimica Acta,2018,286, 65-76.(IF =5.26)
11.Keyu Tao, Lian Wang, Yang Hai,Yun Gong, P-Functionalized and O-deficient TiOn/VOmnanoparticles grown on Ni foam as an electrode for supercapacitors: epitaxial grown heterojunction and visible-light-driven photoresponse,Dalton Transactions, 2020,49, 4476-4490.(IF = 4.2)
12.Ke Yu Tao, Hua Mei Dan, Yang Hai, Li Liu,Yun Gong,Controllable synthesis of MoO linkage enhanced CoP ultrathin nanosheet arrays for efficient overall water splitting,Applied Surface Science,2019,493, 852-861. (IF =4.93)
13.QingFeng Zhou,Yun Gong,Ke Yu Tao,Facile one-pot synthesis of 2D vanadium-doped NiCl(OH) nanoplates assembled by 3D nanosheet arrays on Ni foam for supercapacitor application,Applied Surface Science,2019,478, 75-86. (IF =4.93)
14.Qing Feng Zhou,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin, Facile one-pot synthesis of Ni2+-doped (NH4)2V3O8nanoflakes@Ni foam with visible-light-driven photovoltaic behavior for supercapacitor application,Applied Surface Science,2018,439, 33-44. (IF =4.93)
15.Ji Ying Long, Zhishuo Yan,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,MOF-derived Cl/O-doped C/CoO and C nanoparticles for high performance supercapacitor,Applied Surface Science,2018,448, 50-63. (IF =4.93)
16.Yang Hai, Keyu Tao, Huamei Dan, Li Liu andYun Gong,Cr-Doped (Co, Ni)3S4/Co9S8/Ni3S2Nanowires/Nanoparticles Grown on Ni Foam for Hybrid Supercapacitor,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 835, 155254.(IF=4.2)
17.ShaoLei Zhao, KeYu Tao,Yun Gong, Co-Incorporated NiV2O6/Ni(HCO3)2nanoflake arrays grown on nickel foam as a high-performance supercapacitor electrode,Dalton Transactions,2019,48,5315-5326.(IF =4.177)
18.Hai Qiang Luo,Ke Yu Tao,Yun Gong, K-doped FeOOH/Fe3O4nanoparticles grown on a stainless steel substrate with superior and increasing specific capacity,Dalton Transactions,2019,48,2498-2504. (IF =4.177)
19.Keyu Tao,Sen Lv, Yang Hai,Yun Gong,Electrochemical Performance of (Antimony/Chlorine)-incorporated Nickel Foam,CrystEngComm,2019,21, 7424-7436.(IF =3.5)
20.Li Liu, Keyu Tao, Huamei Dan, Yang Hai,Yun Gong, F or V-Induced Activation of (Co, Ni)2P During Electrocatalysis for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction,CrystEngComm,2019,21, 6080-6092.(IF =3.5)
21.Keyu Tao,Sen Lv, Yang Hai,Yun Gong,Electrochemical Performance of (Antimony/Chlorine)-incorporated Nickel Foam,CrystEngComm,2019,21, 7424-7436.(IF =3.5)
22.MaoLin Yang,KeYu Tao,Yun Gong,Na0.11WO3nanoflake arrays grown on Ni foam for high-performance supercapacitor,Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry,2019, 23, 2141-2152.(IF =2.531)
23.QingFeng Zhou,Yun Gong, JianHua Lin,Low temperature synthesis of sponge-like NiV2O6/C composite by calcining Ni-V-based coordination polymer for supercapacitor application,Journal of Electroanalytic Chemistry,2018,823, 80-91.(IF =3.235)
24.Hong An Tang, Miao Miao Zhang,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,Coordination polymer-based supercapacitors with matched energy levels: enhanced capacity under visible light illumination in the presence of methanol,Dalton Transactions,2018,47, 11146-11157.(IF =4.177)
25.Zhi Shuo Yan, Ji Ying Long, Qing Feng Zhou,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,One-step synthesis of MnS/MoS2/C through calcination and sulfurization of a bi-metal-organic framework for high-performance supercapacitor and its photocurrent investigation,Dalton Transactions,2018,47, 5390-5405. (IF =4.177)
26.Zhi Shuo Yan, Ji Ying Long,Yun Gong,Jian Hua Lin,Three in situ - synthesized novel inorganic-organic hybrid materials based on metal (M = Bi, Pb) iodide and organoamine using one-pot reactions: structures, band gaps and optoelectronic properties,New Journal of Chemistry,2018,46, 699-707.(IF=3.265)
27.Zhi Shuo Yan, Ji Ying Long, Qing Feng Zhou,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,Two novel Pb(II) coordination polymers (CPs) based on 4-(4-oxopyridin- 1(4H)-yl) and 3-(4-oxopyridin-1(4H)-yl) phthalic acid: band gaps, structures, and their photoelectrocatalytic properties in CO2-saturated system,Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2018,261, 43-52. (IF =2.265)
28.Hai Qiang Luo, Xiao Han Xing, Pan Zhang, Zhi Shuo Yan, Qing Feng Zhou,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin, The photocurrent response in the perovskite device based on coordination polymers: structure, topology, band gap and matched energy levels,Dalton Transactions,2017,46, 7866-7877. (IF =4.177)
29.Sen Lv, Zhe Yuan Wang, Xu Gu, Chong Zhang,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,Coordination polymer based perovskite device: matched energy levels and photocurrent enhancement in the absence or presence of methanol,CrystEngComm,2017,19,7021-7030.(IF=3.849)
30.Zhi Shuo Yan,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,Metal complexes based on 2- (5- (3, 5- dibromophenyl) -2H- 1,2,4- triazol- 3- yl) pyridine and their composites with CH3NH3PbI3: structures, band gaps and enhanced optoelectronic properties,European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017,(9),1256–1265. (IF =2.686)
31.Jiang Ping Meng, Zhi Shuo Yan, Ji Ying Long,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin, Band gaps and photocurrent responses of two novel alkaline earth metal(II) complexes based on 4,5- di (4’- carboxyl phenyl) benzene,Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2017,(245), 74-81. (IF =2.265)
32.Hai Qiang Luo, Pan Zhang, YongXi Yang,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin, Two polymolybdate-based complexes and their graphene composites with visible-light photoresponses,RSC Advances,2016, 6, 97890–97898.(IF =3.289)
33.Peng Gang Jiang,Pan Zhang,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,Photocurrent-generating properties of bulk and few-layered Cd(II) coordination polymers based on a rigid dicarboxylate ligand,Dalton Transactions,2016,45, 4603-4613.(IF =4.177)
34.Jiang Ping Meng,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,Enhancedphotocurrentresponse on a CdTeincorporatedcoordinationpolymerbased on3-(3-(1H-Imidazol-1-yl)phenyl)-5-(4-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)phenyl)-1–methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole,RSC Advances, 2016,6,73869 – 73878.(IF =3.289)
35.Jiang Ping Meng,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin,Band gaps and photocurrent responses of bulk and thin-film coordination polymers based on 3,6- di(1H- imidazol -1 -yl) -9H- carbazole,European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,2016, 4928–4936.(IF =2.686)
36.Pan Zhang,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin, Photocurrentresponses oftwometal(II)complexesbased onrigidligands,European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,2016,(3),322-329.(IF =2.686)
37.Xing Xiu Yan, Xian Deng Qiu, Zhi Shuo Yan, Hong Jiang Li,Yun Gong, Jian Hua Lin, Configurations,band Structures andphotocurrentresponses of 4-(4-oxopyridin-1(4H)-yl)phthalicacid and itsmetal-organicframeworks,Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2016,(237), 313-322. (IF =2.265)
38.Jiang Ping Meng,Yun Gong, Qiang Lin, Miao Miao Zhang, Pan Zhang, Hui Fang Shi,Jian Hua Lin,Metal-organic frameworks based on rigid ligands as separator membranes in supercapacitor,Dalton Transactions, 2015,44, 5407-5416(IF =4.177)
39.Pan Zhang, Xin Yang, PengGang Jiang, JunLi Yin,Yun Gong,JianHua Lin,Cu(I) complex based on 6H-indolo[2,3-b]quinoxaline: structure and electrocatalytic properties for hydrogen evolution reaction from water,RSC Advances,2015,5, 34058-34064.(IF=3.289)
40.Yun Gong, Pan Zhang, Penggang Jiang,Jian Hua Lin,Metal(II) complex based on 5-[4-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)phenyl]-2H-tetrazole: the effect of the ligand on the electrodes in a lead-acid battery,CrystEngComm,2015,17,1056 – 1064.(IF=3.849)
41.Miao Miao Zhang,Yun Gong, Pan Zhang, Hui Fang Shi,Jian Hua Lin,An acid-stable Zn(II) complex: electrodeposition in sulfuric acid and the effect on the zinc–lead dioxide battery,Dalton Transactions, 2014,43, 17129-17135.(IF =4.177)
42.Xiao Lin Gao,Yun Gong, Pan Zhang, Yong Xi Yang, Jiang Ping Meng, Miao Miao Zhang, Jun Li Yin,Jian Hua Lin,Metal(II) complexes based on 4- (2,6- di(pyridin- 4-yl) pyridin- 4- yl) benzonitrile: structures and electrocatalysis in hydrogen evolution reaction from water.CrystEngComm,2014,16, 8492 – 8499.(IF=3.849)
43.Yun Gong,Hui Fang Shi, Zhi Hao, Peng Gang Jiang, Wei Hua,Jian Hua Lin,Metal(II)-inducedcoordination polymer based on 4 - (5 - (pyridin – 4 - yl) - 4H - 1, 2, 4 - triazol – 3 - yl) benzoate as electrocatalystsfor water splitting.Crystal Growth&Design,2014,14 (2), 649 - 657.(IF=4.425)
44.Yun Gong,Yong Xi Yang, Miao Miao Zhang, Xiao Lin Gao, Jun Li Yin,Jian Hua Lin,A polyoxometalate-based complex with visible-light photochromism as the electrocatalyst for generating hydrogen from water,Dalton Transactions,2014,43, 16928-16936.(IF =4.177)
45.Yun Gong, Miao Miao Zhang, Pan Zhang, Hui Fang Shi, Peng Gang Jiang,Jian Hua Lin,Metal–organic frameworks based on 4-(4-carboxyphenyl)-2,2,4,4-terpyridine: structures, topologies and electrocatalytic behaviors in sodium laurylsulfonate aqueous solution,CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 9882-9890.(IF=3.849).
46.Yun Gong,Miao Miao Zhang, Jian Bo Qin, Jian Li, Jiang Ping Meng,Jian Hua Lin,Metal(II) complexes synthesized based on quinoline-2,3-dicarboxylate as electrocatalysts for the degradation of methyl orange,Dalton Transactions, 2014,43, 8454-8460.(IF =4.177)
47.Yun Gong,Zhi Hao, Jiang Ping Meng, Hui Fang Shi, Peng Gang Jiang,Jian Hua Lin,Two Novel CoIIMetal - Organic Frameworks Based on A Multicarboxylate Ligand as Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting,ChemPlusChem,2014, 79, 266 - 277.(IF=2.836)
48.Yun Gong,Miao Miao Zhang, Wei Hua,Hui Fang Shi, Peng Gang Jiang, Jian Hua Lin, Metal-organic frameworks built from achiral3 - (5 - (pyridin - 4 - yl) - 4H -1, 2, 4 - triazol -3-yl)benzoic acid:syntheses, structures andphotoluminescence propertiesof metal(II) complexes,Dalton Transactions,2014,43, 145 - 151.(IF= 4.177)
49.Yun Gong,Tao Wu, Peng Gang Jiang,Jian Hua Lin,Yong Xi Yang,Octamolybdate-based metal - organic framework with unsaturated coordinated metal center as electrocatalyst for generating hydrogen from water,Inorganic Chemistry,2013,52 (2), 777–784.(IF= 4.820)
50.Yun Gong, Peng Gang Jiang, Jian Li, Tao Wu, Jian Hua Lin, Metal(II) complexes based on benzene - 1, 2, 3 – triyldioxy - triacetate: structures and photoluminescence properties,Crystal Growth&Design,2013, 13 (3), 1059 - 1066.(IF=4.425)
51.Yun Gong, Zhi Hao, JingHua Li,Tao Wu, Jian Hua Lin,Mg(II)-induced second-harmonic generation based on bis-monodentate coordination mode of thiobarbiturate,Dalton Transactions,2013,42 (18), 6489 – 6494.(IF= 4.177)
52.Yun Gong,Jian Li, Peng Gang Jiang, Qing Fang Li, Jian Hua Lin, Novel metal(II) coordination polymers based on N, N’ – bis - (4 -pyridyl) phthalamide as supercapacitor electrode materials in an aqueous electrolyte,Dalton Transactions,2013,42 (5), 1603 – 1611.(IF= 4.177)
53.Yun Gong, Peng Gang Jiang, Ying Xia Wang, Tao Wu, Jian Hua Lin, Metal-organic frameworks based on 1, 3, 5- triazine- 2, 4, 6- triyltrithio – tri - acetate: Structures, topologies, photoluminescence and photocatalytic properties,Dalton Transactions,2013, 42, 7196 - 7203.(IF= 4.177)
54.Yun Gong, Hui Fang Shi, Zhi Hao, Jun Liang Sun, Jian Hua Lin, Two Novel Co(II) Coordination Polymers Based on 1,4- bis (3- pyridylaminomethyl) benzene as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution from water,Dalton Transactions,2013,42, 12252 - 12259.(IF= 4.177)
55.Yun Gong, Zhi Hao, Jun Liang Sun, Hui Fang Shi, Peng Gang Jiang,Jian Hua Lin,Metal(II) complexes based on 1,4 –bis (3- pyridylaminomethyl) benzene: Structures, photoluminescence and photocatalytic properties,Dalton Transactions,2013,42,13241 - 13250.(IF= 4.177)
56.Yun Gong,Tao Wu,Jian Hua Lin, Metal-organic frameworks built from achiral cyclohex -1 –ene -1, 2- dicarboxylate: syntheses, structures and photoluminescence properties,CrystEngComm,2012,14 (17), 5649 – 5656.(IF= 3.849)
57.Yun Gong,Jian Li,Jian Bo Qin,Jian Hua Lin, A homochiral network constructed by supramolecular packing of 2D chiral bilayer: synthesis, structure and property of metal(II) complex based on achiral 3,3’,4,4’-oxy -diphthalate and coligand,CrystEngComm,2012, 14 (18), 5862 – 5869.(IF= 3.849)
58.Yun Gong,Tao Wu,Jian Hua Lin,Metal-organic frameworks based onnaphthalene- 1, 5- diyldioxy -di- acetate:Structures, topologies, photo- luminescenceand photocatalytic properties,CrystEngComm,2012,14 (10), 3727–3736.(IF= 3.849)
59.Yun Gong,Jian Bo Qin, Tao Wu,Jing Hua Li, Li Yang, Rong Cao,Synthesis, structural characterization and anion - sensing studies of metal(II) complexes based on 3, 3’, 4, 4’-oxydiphthalate and N-donor ligands,Dalton Transactions,2012,41(7), 1961–1970.(IF= 4.177)
60.Yun Gong, Jing Hua Li,Tao Wu,JianBo Qin,Rong Cao, Jian Li,Organic molecules induced crystaltransformation from a two dimensional coordination polymer to chain-like structures,CrystEngComm,2012,14 (2), 663–669.(IF=3.849)
61.Yun Gong, Yu Chao Zhou, Tian Fu Liu, Jian Lü, Davide M. Proserpio, Rong Cao, Interpenetrated metal-organic frameworks of self- catenated four-connected mok nets,Chemical Communications,2011,47 (21), 5982–5984.(IF=6.567)
62.Yun Gong, Jian Li, Jian Bo Qin, Tao Wu, Rong Cao, Jing Hua Li, Jian Lü, Metal(II) coordination polymers derived from bis- pyridyl- bis- amide ligands and carboxylates: syntheses, topological structures and photoluminescence properties,Crystal Growth&Design,2011,11 (5),1662–1674.(IF=4.425)
63.Yun Gong,Yu Chao Zhou, Jing Hua Li, Rong Cao, Jian Bo Qin, Jian Li. Reversible color changes of metal (II)- N1, N3- di (pyridin- 4- yl) isophthalamide complexes via desolvation and solvation,Dalton Transactions,2010,39 (41), 9923–9928.(IF =4.177)
Research proposals:
1)National Natural Science Foundation of China
Syntheses and photovoltaic behaviors of mono- or few-layered two-dimensional coordination polymers(No.21771028, 2017-2021)
2)National Natural Science Foundation of China
Syntheses andapplications of porous coordination polymers based on polyoxometalates in supercapacitor electrodes(No. 21371184, 2013-2017)
3)ChongqingScienceFoundationfor Postdoctoral Project
Syntheses andapplications ofcoordination polymers based on polyoxometalates inlithium ion battery(No. XM2012002,2011-2013)
4)ChongqingNatural Science Foundation
Syntheses andapplications ofcoordination polymers based on Li-inserted polyvanadates inlithium ion battery(No. CSTC2011jjA50017,2011-2013)
5)ChongqingNatural Science Foundation
Structures and properties of anion-tuned organic-inorganic hybrid materials containing N atoms(No. 2006BB4178,2006-2007)
Instruments in own lab:
Electrochemical workstations (3), Battery property measurement instrumens (11),Rotating disc electrode, UV-vis spectrophotometer, Photocatalytic apparatus, Powder diffractometer, Glove box, Server for computation