Lichun Dong
Lichun Dong, Professor, Vice dean., Phone: 023-65678937
Dong obtained his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from Hebei University of Technology, MS degree in Industrial Catalysis from Tianjinj University in 1996. From 1996 to 1999, he is a chemical engineer in the Tianchen Engineering Company. He received his Ph.D degree from the University of Alabama, USA in 2004. From Oct., 2004 to Mar., 2007, he was a postdoctoral fellow in Lehigh University. Prof. Dong’s research interests focus on Chemical Process Simulation and Optimization, Chemical System Engineering, and Energy and Chemical Materials.
Selected Papers:
1.Ren J,* Ren X, Shen W,Man Y.,Dong L,*Industrial System Prioritization using the Sustainability‐Interval‐Index Conceptual Framework with Life‐Cycle Considerations, AIChE J., 2020.
2.Feng Z, Shen W, Rangaiah G,*Dong L,*Closed-loop identification and model predictive control of extractive dividing-wall column, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 2019, 142, 107552.
3.Feng Z, Shen W, Rangaiah G,*Dong L,*Proportional-Integral Control and Model Predictive Control of Extractive Dividing-Wall Column Based on Temperature Differences, Ind. Eng.Chem.Res., 2018, 57(31), 10572–10590.
4.Feng Z, Shen W, Rangaiah G,* Lv L,Dong L,*Process Development, Assessment, and Control of Reactive Dividing-Wall Column with Vapor Recompression for Producing n-Propyl Acetate, Ind. Eng.Chem. Res., 2019, 58(1), 276-295.
5.Feng Z, Shen W, Rangaiah G,*Dong L,*Design and control of vapor recompression assisted extractive distillation for separating n-hexane and ethyl acetate, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 240, 116655.
6.XuD,Dong L*,Strategic diagnosis of China's modern coal-to-chemical industry using an integrated SWOT-MCDM framework,CleanTechnol.Envir.,2019,21(3),517-532.
7.Yang L,LiuW, ZhangZ, DuX,DongL*,DengY.* Lowenergy electro-reduction of carbon dioxide coupling with anodic glycerol oxidation catalyzed by chemical regenerative phosphomolybdic acids,J.Power Sources,2019, 420, 99-107.
8.An D, Xi B*, Ren J,Dong L*,Multi-criteria sustainability assessment of urban sludge treatment technologies: Method and case study,Resour. Conserv. Recy.,2018, 128, 546-554.
9.Ren J,* Ren X,Dong L,*Manzardo A, He C, Pan M.Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment under Uncertainties.AIChE J.,2018, 24(6), 2103-2110.
10.YangL, LiuW, ZhangZ, DuX, GongJ,Dong L,*DengY.*Hydrogen evolution from native biomass with Fe3+/Fe2+redox couple catalyzed electrolysis,Electrochimi.Acta,2017,246,1163-1173.
11.Shao Y,RenB, JiangH, ZhouB, LvL, RenJ,DongL*,LiJ,LiuZ.*Dual-porosity Mn2O3cubes for highly efficient dye adsorption,J.Hazard.Mate.,2017, 333, 222-231.
12.An D, Xi B*, Wang Y., Ren J,Dong L*,Asustainability assessment methodology for prioritizing the technologies of groundwater contamination remediation,J Clean. Prod.,2016, 112(5),4647-4656.
13.Ren J,* Dong L, Sun L,Goodsite ME,Dong L,*Luo X, Sovacool BK. “Supply push” or “demand pull?”: Strategic recommendations for the responsible development of biofuel in China.Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev.,2015, 52, 382-392.
14.Ren J*, Gao SZ, Tan S,Dong L*,ScipioniA, MazziA. Role prioritization of hydrogen production technologies for promoting hydrogen economy in the current state of China.Renew.Sust. Energ. Rev.,2015, 41, 1217-1229.
15.Ren J*, Tan S, Goodsite ME, Sovacool BK,Dong L*.Sustainability, shale gas, and energy transition in China: Assessing barriers and prioritizing strategic measures.Energy,2015, 84, 551-562.
16.Ren J,* Gao S, Tan S,Dong L*.Hydrogen economy in China: Strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats analysis and strategies prioritization. Renew.Sust. Energ. Rev.,2015, 41, 1230-1243.
17.Ren J,* Tan S, Yang L, Goodsite ME, Pang C,Dong L*.Optimization of emergy sustainability index for biodiesel supply network design.Energ Convers. Manag.,2015, 92, 312-321.