Zuohua Liu

Zuohua Liu,Professor, Vicedean, National High-level Talents.
Liu obtained his BS degree in Chemical Engineering from Chongqing Technology and Business University, MS degree in Physical Chemistry from Chongqing University in 2000. He received his Ph.D degree from Chongqing University in 2005. From Apr., 2007 to Apr., 2011, he was a postdoctoral fellow in Chongqing University. From 2011 to 2014, he was a visiting scholar in Tsinghua University and University of Utah. Prof. Liu’s research interests focus on process intensification of chemical engineering, resource environment chemical industry, and Green Smart Chemical. His research projects are from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science and Technology Support Plan, and the Key Scientific and Technological Projects of Chongqing and so on. He won various scientific research awards, such as the first prizes of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award, the first prize of China Nonferrous Metal Industry Science and Technology Invention Award, Gold Award of China International Invention Exhibition and so on. He was selected asSpecial Engaged Professor of the Yangtse River Scholar, the New Century Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education, Engineering and Technology High-end Talents of Chongqing, Science and Technology Innovation Leaders of Chongqing, and Industrial Technology Leaders of Chongqing.
Selected Papers:
XiaXiong,Zuohua Liu,*Changyuan Tao, Yundong Wang, Weiyang Fei, Study on instability strengthening of flow field in stirred tank[J] Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2022, 134(2): 104284-104299.
Songsong Wang, Hong Li, Changyuan Tao, Renlong Liu, Yundong Wang,Zuohua Liu,*Study on cavern evolution and performance of three mixers in agitation of yield-pseudoplastic fluids [J] Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023,55: 111–122
Yibie Qin,Zuohua Liu,*Changyuan Tao, Jiancheng Shu, Xia Xiong, Multifunctional β-Cyclo
dextrin Polymer for Simultaneous and Effective Removal of Organic Micropollutants, Heavy Metals,and Detrimental Microorganisms from Water, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61(34): 12307-12317.
Li Li, Xinhong Chen, Liang Wang, Changyuan Tao, Xiaoping Wu, Jun Du,Zuohua Liu,*Synthesis of Ti3+self-doped mesoporous TiO2 cube with enhanced visible-light photoactivity by a simple reduction method [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020, 22, 969-978.
Zinan Xie,Zuohua Liu,* Zhang Xujuan, Yang Linrong, Chang Ju, Tao, Changyuan, Electrochemical oscillation on anode regulated by sodium oleate in electrolytic metal manganese[J], Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 845, 13-21.
Facheng Qiu,Zuohua Liu,* Renlong Liu, Xuejun Quan ,Changyuan Tao, Yundong Wang. Experimental study of power consumption, local characteristics distributions and homogenization energy in gas–liquid stirred tank reactors[J].Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2019,27(02):278-285.
Deyin Gu, Chao Cheng,Zuohua Liu,* Yundong Wang. Numerical simulation of solid-liquid mixing characteristics in a stirred tank with fractal impellers[J]. Advanced Powder Technology,2019,30(10).
Deyin Gu,Zuohua Liu,*Chuanlin Xu, Jun Li, Changyuan Tao, Yundong Wang. Solid-liquid mixing performance in a stirred tank with a double punched rigid-flexible impeller coupled with a chaotic motor[J]. Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification,2017,118.
Deyin Gu,Zuohua Liu,*Facheng Qiu, Jun Li, Changyuan Tao, Yundong Wang. Design of impeller blades for efficient homogeneity of solid-liquid suspension in a stirred tank reactor[J]. Advanced Powder Technology,2017, 28(10), 2514-2523.
Deyin Gu,Zuohua Liu,*Jun Li, Zhaoming Xie, Changyuan Tao, Yundong Wang. Intensification of chaotic mixing in a stirred tank with a punched rigid-flexible impeller and a chaotic motor[J]. ,2017,122.
Facheng Qiu,Zuohua Liu,*Relong Liu, Xuejun Quan, Changyuan Tao, Yundong Wang. Gas-liquid mixing performance, power consumption, and local void fraction distribution in stirred tank reactors with a rigid-flexile impeller[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2018,97.