Zidong Wei

Professor, Dean of the College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of Chongqing University, Chair professor of the Yangtze River scholar program, and the state-level selected person of “New Century 11,000,000 talented person projects”. He received his Ph.D. degree from Tianjin University in 1994. He is the Vice Director of the Specialized Committee of Electron Galvanization in the Chinese Electron Academic Society; Vice Director of the Specialized Committee of Galvanization & Fine Decoration in the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Academic Society; Member of the Specialized Committee of Electronical Chemisty in Chinese Chemical Society; Member of Specialized Committee of Hydrogen Resources in Chinese Renewable Resources Society; Member of Specialists Committee in National Engineering Center of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof.. Wei has published more than 80 SCI papers with citation over 1000 times and .11 granted patents. Prof. Wei’s research interests include: Electrochemistry, molecular catalysis, nanostructured energy materials, fuel cell and solar cells. Email: zdwei@cqu.edu.cn; Homepage: WeiLab

Selected Papers:

1. Qingmei Wang, Siguo Chen,* Feng Shi, Ke Chen, Yao Nie, Yao Wang, Rui Wu, Jia Li, Yun Zhang, Wei Ding, Yang Li, Li Li,* and Zidong Wei*,Structural Evolution of Solid Pt Nanoparticle to Hollow PtFe Alloy with Pt-skin Surface via Space-Confined Pyrolysis and Nanoscale Kirkendall Effect. Adv.Mater., 2016, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201603509

2. Wenjie Jiang, Lin Gu, LiLi, Yun Zhang, Xing Zhang, Linjuan Zhang, Jianqiang Wang, Jinsong Hu*, Zidong Wei*, and Lijun Wan*, Understanding the High Activity of Fe–N–C Electrocatalysts in Oxygen Reduction: Fe/Fe3C Nanoparticles Boost the Activity of Fe–Nx, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (10), 3570–3578.

3. Guangping Wu, Jun Wang, Wei Ding,* Yao Nie, Li Li,* Xueqiang Qi, Siguo Chen, and ZidongWei*, A Strategy to Promote the Electrocatalytic Activity of Spinels for Oxygen Reduction by Structure Reversal, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55(4), 1340-1344.

4. Wei Ding, Li Li, Kun Xiong, Yao Wang, WeiLi, Yao Nie, Siguo Chen, Xueqiang Qi,ZidongWei*,Shape Fixing via Salt Recrystallization: A Morphology-Controlled Approach to Convert Nano-structured Polymer to Carbon Nanomaterial as a High Active Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (16), 5414–5420.

5. Yao Nie, Li Li* and Zidong Wei*, Recent advancements in Pt and Pt-free catalysts for oxygen reduction reactionChem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44 (8), 2168 -2201.

6. Rong Li, Zidong Wei,* and Xinglong Gou,* Nitrogen and Phosphorus Dual-doped Graphene/Carbon Nanosheets as BifunctionalElectrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution, ACS Catal., 2015, 5, 4133-4142.

7. Lin Guo, Wenjie Jiang, Yun Zhang, Jinsong Hu,* Zidong Wei,* and Lijun Wan, Embedding PtNanocrystals in N Doped Porous Carbon/Carbon Nanotubes toward Highly Stable Electrocatalystsfor the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 2903−2909.

8. Jun Wang, Dingfang Liu, Xueqiang Qi*, Kun Xiong, Li Li, Zidong Wei*, Insight into the effect of CaMnO3 support on the catalytic performance of platinum catalysts, Chem. Eng. Sci. 2015(135): 179-186.

9. Wei Ding, Zidong Wei,* Siguo Chen, Xueqiang Qi, Tao Yang, Jinsong Hu, Dong Wang, Li-Jun Wan,* Shahnaz Fatima Alvi, and Li Li, Space-Confinement-Induced Synthesis of Pyridinic- and Pyrrolic-Nitrogen-Doped Graphene for the Catalysis of Oxygen Reduction. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52 (45), 11755-11759.

10. Siguo Chen, Zidong Wei*, Xueqiang Qi, Lichun Dong, YuguoGuo, Lijun Wan,*Zhigang Shao, and Li LiNanostructured Polyaniline-Decorated Pt/C@PANI Core−Shell Catalyst with Enhanced Durability and Activity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134: 1325213255
