Jianchuan Wang

Dr. JianchuanWang, Associated Professor


Office: LC601, Science Building, Huxi campus, Chongqing university

Wang obtained his BS degree and PH.D degree in Polymer Scinecne & Engineering, Sichuan University (2014). During 2013-2014, he was a visiting scholar at the Case Western Reserve University, USA. In 2015, he joined the Department of Chemistry in Chongqing University, Dr. Dong’s research interests focus on energy related polymers, such as ion exchange membrane for fuel cell and water electrolysis, as well as membrane eletrode assemblly (MEA).

Selected Papers:

1.Lingping Zeng, Qian He, Yunchuan Liao, Shangyi Kuang,Jianchuan Wang*, Wei Ding, Qiang Liao and Zidong Wei*, Anion Exchange Membrane Based on Interpenetrating Polymer Network with Ultrahigh Ion Conductivity and Excellent Stability for Alkaline Fuel Cell,Research, 2020 ID4794706

2.Cheng Xia;Wang Jianchuan*; Liao Yunchuan; Li Cunpu; Wei Zidong*, Enhanced Conductivity of Anion-Exchange Membrane by Incorporation of Quaternized Cellulose Nanocrystal,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018(10),23774-23782.

3.Cheng Tong, Rui Xiang, Lishan Peng, Lianqiao Tan, Xianyi Tang,Jianchuan Wang*,Li Li,* Qiang Liao and Zidong Wei*, Amorphous FeOx (x ¼ 1, 1.5) coated Cu3P nanosheets with bamboo leaves-like morphology induced by solvent molecule adsorption for highly active HER catalysts,J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020(8), 3351-3356.

4. Yue Li, Janet HoJianchuan Wang*ZhongMing LiGanJi ZhongLei Zhu*Understanding nonlinear dielectric properties in a biaxially oriented poly(vinylidenefluoride) film at both low and high electric fieldsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces20168455-465.

5.Jianchuan Wang, Jieli Wu, Wei Xu, Qin Zhang, Qiang Fu, “Preparation of poly(vinylidene fluoride) films with excellent electric property, improved dielectric property and dominant polar crystalline forms by adding a quaternary phosphorus salt functionalized graphene”,Composites Science and Technology91 (2014) 1–7.
