Meng Wang

Meng Wang, Postdoc.
Email:, Phone: 023-65678928
Wang obtained his BS degree in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing, Ph.D degree in Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2019. Since Oct. 2019, he is now a postdoctoral fellow in Chongqing University. Dr. Wang’s research interests focus on Energy and Environmental Electrochemistry, Functional Materials and Devices for PEMFC, and Renewable Energy Technology.
Selected Papers:
1.Meng W, Ming C, Zhaoyi Y, Guicheng L, Joong K L, Woochul Y, Xindong W*. High-performance and durable cathode catalyst layer with hydrophobic C@PTFE particles for low-Pt loading membrane assembly electrode of PEMFC. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 191, 132-140.
2.Zhaoyi Y, Ming C, Min X,Meng W*, Xindong W. An effective and durable interface structure design for oxygen reduction and methanol oxidation electrocatalyst. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 487: 655-663.
3.Meng W, Ming C, Zhaoyi Yang, Yituo Wang, Yingrui Wang, Guicheng Liu, Joong Kee Lee, Xindong Wang*. A study on fuel additive of methanol for room temperature direct methanol fuel cells. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 168: 270-275.
4.Ming C,Meng W*, Zhaoyi Y, Xianan D, Xindong W. Long-term degradation behaviors research on a direct methanol fuel cell with more than 3000h lifetime. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 282: 702-710.
5.Ming C,Meng W*, Zhaoyi Y, Xianan D, Qingfeng L, Xindong W. A novel catalyst layer structure based suface-patterned Nafion® membrane for high-performance direct methanol fuel cell. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 263: 201-208.
6.Meng W,Xindong W*, Ming C, Zhaoyi Y, Chaozhen D. Nanostructured electrocatalytic materials and porous electrodes for direct methanol fuel cells. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 37: 1037-1048.