Xiaobing Zou, Associate Professor.


Zou obtain her BS degree in Chemistry from Sichuan University in 1984, MS in Polymer Chemistry from Zhejiang University in 1989, Dr of Environmental Engineering from Chongqing University in 2004, completed post doctoral research of biomedical engineering from Chongqing University in 2010. After graduated from Sichuan University, she has worked at Xinan University for two years. After graduated from Zhejiang University, she worked in Chongqing University till now. Associate Prof. Zous research interests focus on Environmental engineering and environmental analysis, Drug synthesis and analysis, and new materials.

Selected paper:

[1] Shan J, Zou X,Mechanosensing of cells in 3D gel matrices based on natural and synthetic materials, CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 38(11),11,2014.

[2] Zou Xiaobing; Tao Jinzhuan; Xia Zhining; Yu Yanlin; Huang Rui; Kona Study on Contribution of Microwave to Changes of Chemical Composition in Extraction of Essential Oils. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTR. 2011, 39 (1) :142-145

[3] Zou Xiaobing; Tao Jinzhuan; Yu Yanlin; Huang Rui; Kona The kinetic and composition analysis for microwave assisted extraction of essential oil from Zanthoxylum bungeanum maxim. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities. 2011, 25 (4) :703-707

[4] Zou Xiaobing; Bai Jie; Yu Guanglei; Wang Hongbing; Yang Li Mechanical property control of polyacrylamide gel application for cell culture in vitro. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, (233-235) :1803-1808.

[5] Zou Xiaobing; Li Jin; Ma Bin; Yu Yanlin A new anaerobic microwave - assisted method for extracting volatile oil from traditional Chinese medicine Chinese Journal of traditional Chinese medicine 2011, 36 (17) :2329-2333

[6] Zou Xiaobing, Tao Jinzhuan, Xia Zhining, etc Research progress of microwave assisted extraction of volatile oil Chinese patent medicine, 2010, 32 (6): 1014-1020

[7] Zou Xiaobing, Zeng Ting, Trina Mackie, Xiao Shangyou, Xia Zhining Characteristics and pollution status of planktonic algae in the lower reaches of Jialing River in spring Resources and environment of the Yangtze River Basin, 2008, 17 (4): 612-618

[8] Zou Xiaobing, Jiang Honggui, Dong Zhiqiang, Xia Zhining, Jiang Xuemei Liposome capillary electrophoresis was used to evaluate the absorption of organic compounds in vivo Chromatography, 2008, 26 (6): 672-676

[9] Shi Kaiyun, Zou Xiaobing, Xia Zhining Study on capillary electrophoresis fingerprint of Radix Puerariae Chinese Journal of traditional Chinese medicine, 2009,44 (8): 571-575

[10] Wang Hongbing, Zou Xiaobing, Yang benyanzi, Shao Jing, Yang Xiaodong Preliminary study on the local cause of "overlapping growth" of liver cancer cells Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2008, 26 (6): 672-676

[11] Cai sude, Zou Xiaobing Organic chemistry Beijing: China Construction Industry Press, 2006

[12] Zou Xiaobing, Chen Lijuan, Luo Pingping SBR treatment of high calcium gelatin production wastewater, water supply and drainage, 2004 (3): 50-52

[13] Zou Xiaobing, Meng Gang, Zheng Zegen, etc Research progress in treating gelatin production wastewater, photosensitive chemistry and photochemistry, 2002,20 (3): 219-227
