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讲座题目:Magnesium based biodegradable materials

主讲人:Dr. Cindy Hutnik




Magnesium is a necessary cation in human body plasma.60–65% of total Mg ions exists in bone, 35% in tissue sections and 1–2% in extracellular fluid. Magnesium ions are essential to human metabolism and some diseases, such as osteoporosis, may be resulted from deficiency of Mg. It is believed that magnesium is non-toxic to be used as biomaterials. Also, magnesium is corroded easily in biological environment. Therefore, the magnesium based biodegradable biomaterial has been developed since the beginning of 21st century.

The implants made of magnesium materials will be corroded and exhausted out of human body after the disease is healed. Thus it is unnecessary to take out the implant by a secondary operation, which reduces the suffering and financial burden of patients greatly. However, the high corrosion rate of this material is still a big concern.

In this lecture, Dr. Cindy Hutnik will introduce some promising applications of magnesium and other biometallic materials in ophthalmology. Some challenges and possible solutions will be proposed also.


Dr. Hutnik is a full professor in the Departments of Ophthalmology and Pathology at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry. She is Chair of Research in the department and Director of the Ophthalmology Basic Science Laboratory at the Lawson Health Research Institute in the Center for Clinical Investigation and Therapeutics. She earned her doctoral degree at the National Research Council followed by undergraduate medical training, both in Ottawa, Canada. She then obtained her ophthalmology training at the University of Western Ontario, in London, Canada followed by subspecialty glaucoma training under the mentorship of Dr. Paul Kaufman at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. She currently is a member of a number of editorial and research review boards. She supervises an independent program of clinical, basic science, educational research and collaborates with local colleagues engaged in health economics research. Her administrative roles have included Faculty Chair of the Summer Research Training Program at the University of Western Ontario as well as membership on the Faculty Clinician-Scientist committee, medical advisory committee of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind Mobile Eye Care Programme and currently is a councilor of the Canadian Glaucoma Society and co-chair of the Canadian Glaucoma Clinical Research Council. Her major research interest is focused on the pathophysiology and management of glaucoma with a sub-interest in ocular surface and macular disease. She has supervised and mentored in research more than 150 students at all levels of training ranging from high school to graduate science and medicine. Her work has been presented and published both nationally and internationally and has been recognized with over 60 awards. She continues to have keen interest in the development of novel and/or optimization of existing treatments for patients with glaucoma. In addition to research she is engaged in a number of initiatives such as creation of a multi-discipline low vision rehabilitation center in London, a multi-level microsurgical instruction course, collaborative models of dissemination of the Canadian Glaucoma Guidelines and global partnerships in eye care between the Schulich School and key centers in China.






主讲人:Robert Glenn Parker,上海交通大学“讲席教授”




罗伯特•格莱恩•帕克(Robert Glenn Parker),上海交通大学”讲席教授”、美国加州大学伯克利分校博士、密西根学院教授、学术事务副院长、原美国俄亥俄州立大学机械工程系教授。帕克教授曾获美国总统青年科学家奖、美国自然科学基金杰出青年奖、美国Army Research Office杰出青年基金,被评为美国机械工程师学会会士(ASME Fellow)和美国科学促进会会士(AAAS),并担任ASME“振动与声”委员会委员、ASME“动力传动”委员会委员、国际机构学和机器科学联合会成员和ASME振动与声学杂志副编辑。迄今已在国际权威学术杂志发表数篇论文,其中在《声与震动》发表17篇,ASME《应用机械学》发表11篇,ASME《震动与声》发表9篇,ASME《机械设计》发表5篇。帕克教授的主要研究方向为机械动力学。帕克教授曾作为访问学者到法国里昂国立应用科学院、丹麦瑞索国家实验室、悉尼科技大学、NASA格林研究中心、东京大学悉尼大学做学术交流,并曾为美国西科斯基飞机公司,Doosan(韩国),Orbital2(英国/捷克),波音航天航空公司,沃尔沃汽车公司,霍尼韦尔公司等13个国际知名公司做过咨询顾问。














  • 近期讲座20150610-0614.doc
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