Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Selected Publications (English-language only)
Guo, Y. (2020).Freedom of the Press in China: A Conceptual History, 1831-1949. Amsterdam University Press.
Guo, Y. (2022). Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears A Crown:The Campaigns of China’s Movie Queen, 1933–34. Media History,DOI:10.1080/13688804.2022.2054409
Guo, Y. (2021). Transnational Journalism History and China Matters.TMG: Journal for Media History, 24(1-2): 1-21. DOI:
Guo, Y. (2019). Review: Settlers, War, and Empire in the Press.Media History, 25(3), pp. 387-389. DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2019.1627824
Guo, Y. (2019). The Liminal Landscape: The Reception of Western Press Freedom in Late Imperial China.Javnost-The Public: Journal of European Institute for Communication and Culture, 26 (1), pp.17-33. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2019.1539326
Guo, Y. (2019 [2016]). New China or New America? The American Media Myth of “New China”, 1911-1913.Media History, 25 (1), pp.145-162. DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2016.1229124
Guo, Y. (2015). Conceptualizing “Freedom of the Press” in Chinese Political Cartoons, 1909-1949.International Journal of Comic Art, 17(2), pp. 217-237.
Hampton, M. & Guo, Y. (forthcoming). “The Connected Enterprise: News and Networks in the Age of Empire,” inA Cultural History of Media(Vol.5), edited by M. Hampton, Bloomsbury, page numbers to come.