2016年11月毕业于马德里理工大学车辆研究所(Instituto Universitario de Investigación del Automóvil, INSIA),获机械工程专业博士学位。攻读博士学位之前,有近五年的汽车行业工作经历;攻读博士学位期间,访问加拿大麦吉尔大学智能机器中心(The Centre for Intelligent Machines, CIM)开展合作研究。2017年1月起在重庆大学汽车工程学院任教,目前担任重庆大学机械与运载工程学院副教授,机械传动国家重点实验室研究人员,中国力学学会多体系统动力学与控制专业组委员,中国自动化学会系统仿真专委会委员,中国仿真学会仿真技术应用专委会委员,重庆市“留学报国,智献山城”引才大使。主要研究领域为计算多体系统动力学、电动汽车动力学与控制、多学科优化与轻量化设计等。主持国家自然科学基金3项(面上、青年、国际合作)、科技部高端外国专家项目1项,国家重点研发计划子课题1项,重庆市/重庆大学研究生教改项目4项,国家重点实验室开放基金2项。公开发表论文40余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文近30篇;国家发明专利13项( 授权3项),计算机软件著作权授权9项;参译国外汽车类优秀教材两本;多次在国内外学术会议上作口头报告,四次荣获国内外学术会议优秀论文奖,组织第三届全国多体系统动力学青年学者学术研讨会,担任多本国内外知名期刊审稿专家。
1. X. X. Zhang, Y. Xiong,Y. J. Pan*, H. F. Du, B. H. Liu. Crushing stress and vibration fatigue-life optimization of a battery-pack system. Vehicle System Dynamics, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 48, 2023.
2. C. Min,Y. J. Pan*, W. Dai, I. Kawsar, Z. X. Li, G. X. Wang. Trajectory optimization of an electric vehicle with minimum energy consumption using inverse dynamics model and servo constraints. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 181, 105185, 2023.
3.Y. J. Pan, Y. Sun, Z. X. Li, P. Gardoni. Machine learning approaches to estimate suspension parameters for performance degradation assessment using accurate dynamic simulations. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 230, 108950, 2023.
4. S. T. Yin, C. L. Yang, I. Kawsar, H. F. Du,Y. J. Pan*. Longitudinal Predictive Control for Vehicle-Following Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Driving Considering Distance and Acceleration Compensation. Sensors, 22(18), 7395, 2022.
5. W. Dai,Y. J. Pan*, C. Min, S. P. Zhang, J. Zhao. Real-Time Modeling of Vehicle’s Longitudinal-Vertical Dynamics in ADAS Applications. Acuators, 11(12), 378, 2022.
6.Y. J. Pan, X. X. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. C. Wang, Y. Z. Cao, X. Liu, B. H. Liu.Dynamic behavior prediction of modules in crushing via FEA-DNN techniquefor durable battery-pack system design. Applied Energy, 322, 119527, 2022.
7.Y. J. Pan, Y. Sun, C. Min, Z. X. Li, P. Gardoni. Maneuver-based deep learning for the identification of vehicle suspension parameters. Vehicle System Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1080/00423114.2022.2084424, 2022 .
8. X. B. Nie, C. Min,Y. J. Pan*, Z. X. Li, G. Krolczyk. An Improved Deep Neural Network Model of Intelligent Vehicle Dynamics via Linear Decreasing Weight Particle Swarm and Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithms. Sensors, 22(13), 4676, 2022.
9. L. Q. He,Y. J. Pan*, Y. S. He, Z. X. Li, G. Krolczyk, H. P. Du. Control strategy for vibration suppression of a vehicle multibody system on a bumpy road. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 174, 104891, 2022.
10. X. B. Nie, C. Min,Y. J. Pan*, K. Li, Z. X. Li. Deep-Neural-Network-Based Modelling of Longitudinal-Lateral Dynamics to Predict the Vehicle States for Autonomous Driving. Sensors, 22(5), 2013, 2022.
11.Y. J. Pan, L. M. Huang, W. Dai, J. Zhao, X. X. Yu, A. Mikkola. Rod-removal technique for flexible-rods in the framework of semi-recursive multibody formulation. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 169, 104625, 2022.
12. Y. Xiong,Y. J. Pan*, L. Wu, B. H. Liu. Effective weight-reduction- and crashworthiness-analysis of a vehicle's battery-pack system via orthogonal experimental design and response surface methodology. Engineering Failure Analysis, 128, 105635, 2021.
13.Y. J. Pan, X. B. Nie, Z. X. Li, S. T. Gu. Data-driven vehicle modeling of longitudinal dynamics based on a multibody model and deep neural networks. Measurement, 180, 109541, 2021.
14.Y. J. Pan, Y. Xiong, L. Wu, K. S. Diao, W. Guo. Lightweight design of an automotive battery-pack enclosure via advanced high-strength steels and size optimization. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 22, 5, 1279-1289, 2021.
15.Y. J. Pan, W. Dai, L. M. Huang, Z. X. Li, A. Mikkola. Iterative refinement algorithm for efficient velocities and accelerations solutions in closed-loop multibody dynamics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 152, 107463, 2021.
16.Y. J. Pan, Y. Xiong, W. Dai, K. S. Diao, L. Wu, J. R. Wang. Crush and crash analysis of an automotivebattery-pack enclosure for lightweight design. International Journal of Crashworthiness, 27(2), 500-509, 2020.
17.Y. J. Pan, S. D. Xiang, Y. S. He, J. Zhao, A. Mikkola. The validation of a semi-recursive vehicle dynamics model for a real-time simulation. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 151, 103907, 2020.
18.Y. J. Pan, W. Dai, Y. Xiong, S .D. Xiang, A. Mikkola. Tree-topology-oriented modeling for the real-time simulation of sedan vehicle dynamics using independent coordinates and the rod-removal technique. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 143, 103626, 2020.
19.Y. J. Pan, W. Dai, Y. Xiong. Investigation on the material failure in a small scale automotive camera module via root cause analysis and experimental validation. IEEE Access, 7: 72818-72825, 2019.
20.Y. J. Pan, C. Zhang, B. H. Yin. Fuzzy set based multi-objective optimization for eight-rod mechanism via sensitivity analysis. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233(2): 333-343, 2019.
21.Y. J. Pan, Y. S. He, A. Mikkola. Accurate real-time truck simulation via semirecursive formulation and Adams-Bashforth-Moulton algorithm. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 35(3): 641-652, 2019.
22.Y. J. Pan, S. D. Xiang, A. Mikkola. An efficient high-order time-step algorithm with proportional-integral control strategy for semirecursive vehicle dynamics. IEEE Access, 7: 40833- 40842, 2019.
23.Y. J. Pan, J. Garcia de Jalon. Iterative refinement of accelerations in real-time vehicle dynamics. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 13(1): 011009, 2018.
24.Y. J. Pan, L. Hou. Lifting and parallel lifting optimization by using sensitivity and fuzzy set for an earthmoving mechanism. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 231(2): 192-203, 2017.
25.Y. J. Pan, A. Callejo, J. L. Bueno, R. A. Wehage, J. Garcia de Jalon. Efficient and accurate modeling of rigid rods. Multibody System Dynamics, 40(1): 23-42, 2017.
26.Y. J. Pan, A. Callejo. Identification, design and kinematic analysis of an earthmoving mechanism. Journal of Terramechanics, 66: 27-39, 2016.
27. 潘勇军, 侯亮, 王其亮, 罗斯进. 平地机工作装置混联机构简化位置正解分析. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 45(8): 1346-1351, 2011.
- 教育经历
- 工作经历
2015.9 2015.12麦吉尔大学
机械工程(Graduate research trainee)
2000.9 2004.6武汉理工大学
2012.9 2016.10马德里理工大学
2008.9 2011.6厦门大学