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合烨,博士/副教授/硕士生导师,重庆大学机械与运载工程学院教师,机械传动国家重点实验室固定研究人员。主要从事研究领域和专长:机械创新设计方法、机电传动与智能控制,人机协作与控制、运动系统与仿生驱动,力学超材料与应用,外骨骼及智能可穿戴系统。承担国家自然科学基金(青年基金)、国家重点研发计划、重庆市科技项目以及企业委托项目等20余项,作为主要完成人获得中国机械工业科学技术奖科技进步二等奖1项、重庆市科技进步奖二等奖1项、三等奖2项,获权国家发明专利7项,在《Smart Materials and Structure》、《IEEE Sensors Journal》、《Industrial Robot》及《J DYN SYST-T ASME》等国内外核心刊物和国际国内学术会议发表学术论文40余篇。
1、制造技术基础(全英文本科授课) 2、液压传动与控制(全英文本科授课生) 3、协作机器人应用技术(全英文本科授课生) 4、汽车车身制造工艺学(本科中文) 5、manufacturing technology(研究生留学生全英文)
1.科技部国家重点研发计划(子课题), 2018YFB2000505,精密机床主轴轴承工业性验证平台及性能评估体系, 2019-07至2022-06,40万元,结题,参加;
2.科技部国家重点研发计划(子课题), 2018YFB2001304, 齿轮疲劳试验评价技术与基础数据库, 2019-07至2022-06,80万元,结题,参加;
3.重庆市科技计划项目集成示范计划121科技支撑示范工程,cstc2014fazktjcs60004,AMT变速器电控系统和匹配关键技术研究与产业化示范(所属示范工程: 商用车变速器科技支撑示范工程),2012-09至2015-12,70万元,已结题,主持;
1.Zheng, Likang, et al. "Optimization of dilated convolution networks with application in remaining useful life prediction of induction motors." Measurement 200 (2022): 111588.
2.Zhang, S., He, Y., Fan, L., & Chen, X. (2022). Active vibration control of smart beam by μ-synthesis technology: modeling via finite element method based on FSDT. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-14.
3.Zheng, L., He, Y., Chen, X., & Pu, X. (2022). Optimization of dilated convolution networks with application in remaining useful life prediction of induction motors. Measurement, 200, 111588.
4.Liu, C., He, Y., Chen, X., & Cao, H. (2022). Adaptive enhanced admittance force-tracking controller design for highly dynamic interactive tasks. Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application.
5.Xue, Z., Chen, X., He, Y., Cao, H., & Tian, S. (2022). Gesture-and vision-based automatic grasping and flexible placement in teleoperation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-16.
6.Liu, C., He, Y., Li, K., & Zhao, X. (2021, October). Enhanced Admittance Control for Time-Varying Force Tracking of Robots in Unknown Environment. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 552-562). Springer, Cham.
7.Fan, L., He, Y., Chen, X. A., & Zhao, X. (2021). A frequency response function-based optimization for metamaterial beams considering both location and mass distributions of local resonators.Journal of Applied Physics,130(11), 115101.
8.Li, C., He, Y., Chen, T., Chen, X., & Tian, S. (2021). Real-time Gait Event Detection for a Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Robot by Infrared Distance Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(23), 27116-27123.
9.Wu, J., He, Y., & Chen, X. (2021, September). Semantic Segmentation of Parking Lot Scene Based on Surround View System. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2010, No. 1, p. 012030). IOP Publishing.
10.Zhao, X., He, Y., Chen, X., & Liu, Z. (2021). Human–robot collaborative assembly based on eye-hand and a finite state machine in a virtual environment. Applied Sciences, 11(12), 5754.
11.Zheng, L., He, Y., & Chen, X. (2021). Research on a fault diagnosis method for rolling bearing based on improved multiscale range entropy and hierarchical prototype. Measurement Science and Technology, 32(9), 095003.
12.Huang, S., He, Y., & Chen, X. A. (2021, April). M-YOLO: A Nighttime Vehicle Detection Method Combining Mobilenet v2 and YOLO v3. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1883, No. 1, p. 012094). IOP Publishing.
13.Liu, C., He, Y., Chen, X., & Zhang, X. (2021, March). Discontinuous force-based robot adaptive switching update rate impedance control. In 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC) (Vol. 5, pp. 2573-2580). IEEE.
14.Wu, P., Chen, X., He, Y., & Liu, Z. (2021, February). Unpowered Knee Exoskeleton during Stair Descent. In 2021 7th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE) (pp. 106-110). IEEE.
15.Huang, S., Fan, L., He, Y., & Chen, X. A. (2021, February). Interface State in One-dimensional Acoustic Resonator System with Inversion Symmetry Breaking. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1828, No. 1, p. 012157). IOP Publishing.
16.Fan, L., He, Y., Zhao, X., & Chen, X. A. (2020). Subwavelength and broadband tunable topological interface state for flexural wave in one-dimensional locally resonant phononic crystal. Journal of Applied Physics, 127(23), 235106.
17.Cao, H., He, Y., Chen, X., & Zhao, X. (2020). Smooth adaptive hybrid impedance control for robotic contact force tracking in dynamic environments. Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, 47(2), 231-242.
18.Fan, L., He, Y., Chen, X., & Zhao, X. (2019). Elastic metamaterial shaft with a stack-like resonator for low-frequency vibration isolation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(10), 105101.
19.Fan, L., He, Y., Chen, X. A., & Zhao, X. (2019). Acoustic energy harvesting based on the topological interface mode of 1D phononic crystal tube. Applied Physics Express, 13(1), 017004.
20.Cao, H., He, Y., Chen, X., & Liu, Z. (2019). Control of adaptive switching in the sensing-executing mode used to mitigate collision in robot force control. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 141(11).
21.Zhao, X., Chen, X., He, Y., Cao, H., & Chen, T. (2019). Varying speed rate controller for human–robot teleoperation based on muscle electrical signals. IEEE Access, 7, 143563-143572.
22.Lei, T., He, Y., Chen, X., & Zhao, X. (2019, August). Fault-Tolerant Control of Robotic Manipulators With/Without Output Constraints. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (pp. 593-604). Springer, Cham.
23.Cao, H., Chen, X., He, Y., & Zhao, X. (2019). Dynamic adaptive hybrid impedance control for dynamic contact force tracking in uncertain environments. IEEE Access, 7, 83162-83174.
24.Tian, S., Chen, X., Chen, T., & He, Y. (2019). Experimental study on frictional loss of high-speed bearings based on free-deceleration and energy-balance methods. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology.
25.He, Y, Chen, X, Liu, Z, & Chen, Y. Active vibration control of motorized spindle based on mixed H∞/Kalman filter robust state feedback control[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control,2019,25(6), 1279–1293.
26.Ye H, Xiaoan C, Zhi L , et al. Piezoelectric self-sensing actuator for active vibration control of motorized spindle based on adaptive signal separation[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 27(6):065011-.
27.Shengli Tian, Xiaoan Chen, Tianchi Chen & Ye He (2019) Experimental Analysis and Modeling of the Effects of Oil–Air Lubrication Parameters on Bearings Friction Loss of High-Speed Motorized Spindle, Tribology Transactions, 62:3, 524-534,
28.Shengli, Tian , et al. "A dynamic loading system for high-speed motorized spindle with magnetorheological fluid." Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (2018):1045389X1877836-.
29.Yi Qin, Yi Tao, Ye He, Baoping Tang, Adaptive bistable stochastic resonance and its application in mechanical fault feature extraction, Journal of Sound and Vibration,第333卷,第26期, 7386-7400页,2014
30.Chen Xiao-an, Shan Wen-tao, He Ye, Lu Yong-ya, Liu Jun-feng, The research on hybrid drive and control technique of high-speed motorized spindle based on adaptive fuzzy neural network control, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C - Journal of Systems and Control Engineering,第228卷,第1期, 3-11页, 2014
31.Chen, Xiao-an、Liu, Jun-feng、He, Ye、Zhang, Peng、Shan, Wen-tao,An integrated model for high-speed motorized spindles - Dynamic behaviors,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,第227卷,第11期, 2467-2478页, 2013
32.Shan, Wentao、Chen, Xiaoan、He, Ye、Zhou, Jinming,A novel experimental research on vibration characteristics of the running high-speed motorized spindles,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,第27卷,第8期, 2245-2252页, 2013
34.陈小安、张朋、刘俊峰、合烨,高速电主轴多场耦合动力学特性研究,振动工程学报,第26卷,第3期, 303-310页, 2013
35.陈小安、张朋、合烨、刘俊峰,高速电主轴功率流模型与热态特性研究,农业机械学报,第44卷,第9期, 250-254页, 2013
36.陈小安、刘俊峰、合烨、张朋、单文桃,高速电主轴热态性能及其影响,机械工程学报,第49卷,第11期, 135-142页, 2013
37.Xiaoan Chen, Junfeng Liu, Ye He, Jinming Zhou, Minghong Zhou, Hong Chen, A Thermal Analyzing Model for High Speed Motorized Spindles—Thermal Properties, Advanced Science Letters,第5卷,第1期, 1-6页,2012
39.Yi Chen, Rui Huang, Xianlin Ren, Liping He, Ye He, History of the Tether Concept and Tether Missions: A Review, ISRN Astronomy and Astrophysics,第2013卷,第1期, 1-7页,2013
1.任春,合烨,帅旗,陈卫,戴涛. 高速电主轴测试试验台[P],2021,中国,CN113465918A.
2.李朝阳,田胜利,陈小安,合烨. 高速电主轴动态支承刚度测试装置及测试方法[P],2020, 中国,CN110220706B.
3.[1]陈小安,田胜利,合烨,陈天驰. 基于高压水射流的高速电主轴柔性加载系统[P] ,2020,中国,CN107894334B.
6.合烨;李云松;陈小安;陈勇,V型带感应热压式成型模具[P], 2010, 中国,200810069303.3
3.微车变速器振动噪声控制新技术, 重庆市人民政府2010年科技进步三等奖,排名第七;
4.高速高性能主轴系统关键技术及典型应用, 重庆市人民政府2008年科技进步二等奖。