

学术荣誉: 曾获荣誉:


学历学位: 工学博士(University of Wollongong, Au



魏沛堂,男,山东临沂人,澳大利亚伍伦贡大学工学博士,重庆大学机械工程学院副教授,硕士、博士生导师,机械传动国家重点实验室固定研究人员,长期从事机械传动和材料计算力学领域的科学研究工作,在齿轮强度与疲劳、细观力学数值分析、微纳齿轮传动等方面取得创新性成果,主持/参加国家自然科学基金、重庆市技术创新与应用示范、重庆市前沿与应用基础研究计划、国家重点研发计划、重庆市留学人员回国创新支持计划、国家重点实验室自主课题及企业横向等项目10余项,研究成果在Int. J. Mech. Sci.Mater. Sci. Eng. AInt. J. FatigueFatigue Fract Eng M.Steel Res. Int.等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,长期担任Mater. Sci. Eng., ACom. Mater. Sci.Mater. Res. Innov.等期刊审稿人,讲授《机械传动件疲劳与强化》《工程学导论》《数控编程与工艺》等本科生课程,培养研究生、本科生10余名。长期欢迎对机械、材料、计算机等多学科交叉领域研究感兴趣的硕士生、博士生报考,欢迎博士后合作。











²Hao Zhou, Peitang Wei, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Lu Cheng, Guanyu Deng, Roles of microstructure, inclusion and surface roughness on rolling contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear2020DOI: 10.1111/ffe.13199

²Hao Zhou, Peitang Wei, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Wei Wang, Crystal elasticity analysis of contact fatigue behavior of a wind turbine gear , Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2019, 33 (10): 1-13.

²Peitang Wei, Hao Zhou, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Wei Wang, Guanyu Deng, Modeling of contact fatigue damage behavior of a wind turbine carburized gear considering its mechanical properties and microstructure gradients, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 156: 283-296.

²Peitang Wei, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Haifeng He, Continuous damage-based Voronoi FE analysis of contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019, 233(10): 1483-1495

²Peitang Wei, Hao Zhou, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Wei Wang, Guanyu Deng, Investigation of grain refinement mechanism of nickel single crystal during high pressure torsion by crystal plasticity modeling, Materials, 2019, 12 (3): 351.

²Peitang Wei, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Lihong Su, Guanyu Deng, Wenbin Huang, A study on the texture evolution mechanism of nickel single crystal deformed by high pressure torsion, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing. 2017, 684: 239-248.

²Peitang Wei, Cheng Lu, Huaiju Liu, Lihong Su, Guanyu Deng, Kiet Tieu, Study of anisotropic plastic behavior in high pressure torsion of aluminum single crystal by crystal plasticity finite element method. Crystals. 2017, 7(12): 362-373.

²Peitang Wei, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Guanyu Deng, Jie Zhang, Crystal plasticity modeling of texture evolution of aluminum single crystal processed by high pressure torsion, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences. 2017, 24(5): 383-389.

²Peitang Wei, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Guanyu Deng, Haixia Wang, Ning Kong, Finite element analysis of high pressure torsion , Steel Research International. 2013, 84(12): 1246-1251.

²Peitang Wei, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Guanyu Deng, Jie Zhang, Modelling of Texture Evolution in High Pressure Torsion by Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 764: 56-60

²Peitang We, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Guanyu Deng, A study of plastic deformation behavior during high pressure torsion process by crystal plasticity finite element simulation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 63 (1): 012045

²Jizhan Wu, Huaiju Liu Peitang Wei, Qinjie Lin, Shuangshuang Zhou, Effect of shot peening coverage on residual stress and surface roughness of 18CrNiMo7-6 steel, Int J Mech Sci, 2020, 183: 105785.

²Zehua Lu, Huaiju Liu, Peitang Wei, Caichao Zhu, Dong Xin, Yaqiang Shen, The effect of injection molding lunker defect on the durability performance of polymer gears, Int J Mech Sci, 2020, 180: 105665.

²Jizhan Wu, Huaiju Liu, Peitang Wei, Caichao Zhu, Qinjie Lin, Effect of shot peening coverage on hardness, residual stress and surface morphology of carburized rollers, Surf Coat Tech, 2020, 384, 125273.

²Guoda Yu, Huaiju Liu, Ken Mao, Caichao Zhu, Peitang Wei, Zehua Lu, An experimental investigation on the wear of lubricated steel against PEEK gears. J Tribol, 2020, 142(4): 041702.

²Wei. Wang, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Peitang. Wei, Jinyuan. Tang, Effects of microstructure on rolling contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear based on crystal plasticity modeling, International Journal of Fatigue, 2019, 120: 73-86.

²Wei Wang, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Peitang Wei, Wei Wu, Micromechanical analysis of gear fatigue-ratcheting damage considering the phase state and inclusion, Tribology International, 2019, 136: 182-195

²Haifeng He, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Peitang Wei, Jinyuan Tang, Analysis of the fatigue crack initiation of a wind turbine gear considering load sequence effect, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2019, 1056789519836272

²Huaiju Liu, Heli Liu, Caichao Zhu, Peitang Wei, Jinyuan Tang, Tribological behavior of coated spur gear pairs with tooth surface roughness, Friction, 2019, 7(2): 117-128.

²Heli Liu, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Haifeng He, Peitang Wei, Evaluation of contact fatigue life of a wind turbine gear pair considering residual stress, Journal of Tribology, 2018, 140 (4): 041102.

²Haifeng He, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Peitang Wei, Zhangdong Sun, Study of rolling contact fatigue behavior of a wind turbine gear based on damage-coupled elastic-plastic model, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 141: 512-519.

²Heli Liu, Huaiju Liu, Philippe Bocher, Caichao Zhu, Peitang Wei, Effects of the case hardening properties on the contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear pair, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 141, 520-527.

²Hui Wang, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Peitang Wei, Hailiang Yu, Texture Stability and Transition in an Accumulative Roll-Bonding-Processed Aluminum Single Crystal, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2019, 50(4), 1611-1615.

²Hui Wang, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Guanyu Deng, Peitang Wei, Yu Liu, A crystal plasticity FEM study of through-thickness deformation and texture in a {112}< 111> aluminium single crystal during accumulative roll-bonding, Scientific reports, 2019, 9 (1): 3401.

²Hui Wang, Cheng Lu, Kiet Tieu, Peitang Wei, Hailiang Yu, Texture Modeling of Accumulative Roll-Bonding Processed Aluminum Single Crystal {1 2 3}< 6 3 4> by Crystal Plasticity FE, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019, 21 (2), 1800827

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