Min Liu

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Main positions:Professor

Other Post:Vice Dean


Academic Profile

Prof. Liu Min

Ph.D of Nanyang Technological University

Professor of School of Microelectronics & Communication Engineering



M. Liureceived the PhD degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2005. After that, she joined school of communication engineering of Chongqing University, where she is currently a professor.She has published over 60SCI journals and conference proceedings, some of which have been cited in the high-standard SCI journals by other national and international research groups. She has finished twoNatural Science Foundation Projects.She has won 9 prizes in the school and university teaching competitions, including 3 first prizes in the bilingual teaching competitions. She was rated as one of top ten outstanding young teachers of the university. Since 2017, she has been the vice dean of the school, responsible for the graduate educational administration and international exchange. She is the local organizing chair and committee members of many international conferences. Her research interestsare concerned with: next optical communication technology, nonlinear waveguide modeling, and special photonic crystal fibers (PCF).

Research Interests

  • Next optical communication technology

  • Optical fiber sensing

  • Nonlinear waveguide modeling

  • Special photonic crystal fibers

Current Projects

  • Study on key technology of high-sensitivity all-fiber low frequency & ultra-low frequency vibration sensing

  • Research of fiber grating theory and corresponding devices based on special hollow core PCFs

  • Study on communication, security and transmission integration mechanism of Internet of things

Selected Publications

  • Yongbo Fu, Min Liu, Ping Shum, Lihua Chu, An ultrahighly sensitive photonic crystal fiber based surface plasmon resonance sensor, Optik, Vol. 212, pp.164649(1)-(6), 2020.

  • Lihua ChuMin Liu, Ping Shum, Yongbo Fu, Simultaneous achievement of ultra-short length and high extinction ratio polarization splitter based on the dual-core photonic crystal fiber with Ge20Sb15Se65 glass, Applied Optics, Vol.58, No.24, pp.7892-7896, 2019.

  • Min Liu, Xu Yang, Ping Shum and Hongtao Yuan, High sensitivity birefringent and single layer coating photonic crystal fiber biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance, Applied Optics, Vol. 57, Issue 8, pp. 1883-1886, 2018.

  • Min Liu, Jingyun Hou, Xu Yang, Bingyue Zhao and Ping Shum, Design of the photonic crystal fiber with elliptical air-holes to achieve high birefringence and nonlinearity simultaneously, Chinese Physics B, 27(1): 014206 , 2018.

  • Min. Liu, Bingyue Zhao, Xu Yang and Jingyun Hou, Seven-Core Photonic Liquid Crystal Fibers for Simultaneous Mode Shaping and Temperature Sensing, Chinese Optics Letters, vol.15, pp.060601(1)-(5), 2017.

Educational Experience

Work Experience

Social Affiliations

Research Focus
