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教师拼音名称:Zhou Kun
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以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Materials Processing Technology、Applied Surface Science、Chinese Journal of Aeronautics、Friction、Composite Structures、Tribology International、Wear、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Ceramics International、Journal of Manufacturing Processes、Case Studies in Thermal Engineering、Journal of Bionic Engineering等国内外高水平期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇(ESI热点、高倍引论文2篇),出版学术专著1部,主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后科学基金等项目共5项,研究成果入选“2022年度重庆市机械行业十大科技进展”。
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,No. 52205444,2023.01-2025.12,主持
(2) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,No. CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX1128,2022.08~2025.07,主持
(3) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,No. 2021M700586,2021.11-2023.04,主持
(4) 重庆市博士后科研项目特别资助项目一等资助,No. XmT2020028,2021.01-2022.12,主持
(5) 重庆市教委“成渝地区双城经济圈建设”科技创新项目重点项目,No. KJCXZD2020012,2021.01-2023.12,主持
[1]王文健, 郭俊,周坤. 高速铁路钢轨打磨理论及技术[M]. 中国铁道出版社有限公司, 2023. (ISBN: 978-7-113-30061-6)(获国家出版基金项目资助)
[1]K. Zhou, J.Y. Xu, G.J. Xiao*, Y. Huang, A novel low-damage and low-abrasive wear processing method of Cf/SiC ceramic matrix composites: Laser-induced ablation-assisted grinding.Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 302: 117503.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q2)(ESI热点、高被引论文)
[2]K. Zhou, G.J. Xiao*, J.Y. Xu, Y. Huang, Material removal behavior of Cf/SiC ceramicmatrix compositesas a function of abrasive wear during diamond abrasive belt grinding.Wear, 2021, 486-487: 204101.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[3]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, M. Steenbergen, W.J. Wang*, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu. Temperature field and material response as a function of rail grinding parameters.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 175: 121366.(中科院二区,Top,JCR Q1)
[4]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, W.J. Wang*, R.X. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu. Influence of grinding pressure on removal behaviours of rail material.Tribology International, 2019, 134: 417-426.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[5]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, S.Y. Zhang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, W.J. Wang*. Modelling and simulation of the grinding force in rail grinding that considers the swing angle of the grinding stone.Tribology International, 2019, 137: 274-288.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[6]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, R.X. Wang, J.Y. Yang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, W.J. Wang*. Experimental investigation on material removal mechanism during rail grinding at different forward speeds.Tribology International, 2020, 143: 106040.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[7]K. Zhou, J.F. Liu, G.J. Xiao*, Y. Huang, K.K. Song, J.Y. Xu, B.Q. Chen. Probing residual stress evolution of titanium alloy due to belt grinding based on molecular dynamics method.Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 66: 446-459.(中科院二区,JCR Q2)
[8]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, W.J. Wang*, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, Surface integrity during rail grinding under wet conditions: Full-scale experiment and multi-grain grinding simulation.Tribology International, 2022, 165: 107327.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[9]K. Zhou, J. Xu, G. Xiao*, Y. Huang, Enhancing ductile removal of Cf/SiC composites during abrasive belt grinding using low-hardness rubber contact wheels.Ceramics International, 2022, 48 (18): 26042-26054.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[10]G. Xiao, Y. He,K. Zhou*, S. Zhu, S. Song, K. Song, A study on aerodynamic performance of different bionic structured surfaces via belt grinding.Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2021,18(5): 1179-1191.(中科院二区,JCR Q2)
[11]K. Zhou, G. Xiao*, J. Xu, Y. Huang, Wear evolution of electroplated diamond abrasive belt and corresponding surface integrity of Inconel 718 during grinding.Tribology International, 2023, 177:107972.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)(ESI高被引论文)
[12]Y. Liu, J. Xu,K. Zhou*, S. Li, Y. Huang, G. Xiao**, Numerical and experimental investigation on temperature field during belt grinding considering elastic contact.Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,2022, 40: 102555.(中科院二区,JCR Q1)
[13]G. Xiao, Y. Zhang, B. Zhu, H. Gao, Y. Huang,K. Zhou*, Wear behavior of alumina abrasive belt in creep feed grinding and its effect on surface integrity of titanium alloy.Wear, 2023, 514-515: 204581.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[14]Y. Liu, S. Song, G. Xiao, Y. Huang,K. Zhou*,A high-precision prediction model for surface topography of abrasive belt grinding considering elastic contact,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 125: 777-792.(中科院三区,JCR Q2)
[15]Y. Liu, J. Xu, G. Xiao*,K. Zhou**, G. Liu, Thermo-mechanical coupling during belt grinding and corresponding surface integrity of titanium alloy.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 121: 6599-6609.(中科院三区,JCR Q2)
[16]G. Xiao, Z. Yang,K. Zhou*, X. Li, Subsurface damage inhibiting and synchronous removal behavior of Cf/SiC composites with laser-induced controllable ablation during abrasive belt grinding.Applied Surface Science, 2023, 639: 158283.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[17]K. Zhou, G. Xiao*, Y. Huang, Fabricating physicochemical microstructures with super hydrophilicity on Cf/SiC composites surface via picosecond-laser induced ablation.Ceramics International, 2023, 49 (21): 34291-34302.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[18]G. Xiao, X. Li,K.Zhou*, Z. Yang, Comprehensive investigation into grinding characteristics and damage behavior of Cf/SiC composite modified by picosecond-laser ablating.Composite Structures, 2023, 325: 117600.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[19]K. Zhou, G. Xiao, Y. Huang, Understanding machinability improvements and removal mechanism of ceramic matrix composites during laser-ablating assisted grinding.Wear, 2024, 538-539: 205199.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[20]K. Zhou, X. Li G. Xiao, Yun Huang, The critical role of machining-induced damages in tribological and wear behavior of Cf/SiC composite.Friction, 2024.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[21]G. Xiao, Z. Yang,K. Zhou*, Y. He, X. Li, The significant improvement of machinability of Cf/SiC composites through matching laser scanning spacing and abrasive belt grain size,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2024.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[22]G. Xiao, X. Li,K. Zhou*, Y. He, Z. Yang, Reducing Cf/SiC composite damages through collaborative control of laser ablating depth and grinding modes.Composite Structures, 2024.(中科院二区,Top,JCR Q1)
[1]周坤, 王文健*, 刘启跃, 郭俊. 钢轨打磨机理研究进展及展望.中国机械工程, 2019,30(3): 284-294.(EI)
[1]王文健,周坤, 丁昊昊, 师陆冰, 王瑞祥, 刘启跃, 郭俊, 周仲荣. 一种单打磨头钢轨打磨实验装置, 发明专利号 ZL201811540061.1
[1] 周坤(4/10);激光砂带协同加工技术及装备;2022年度重庆市机械行业十大科技进展;重庆市机械工程学会
[2] 周坤(1/1);2021陶瓷基复合材料应用技术峰会优秀会议论文三等奖;中国复合材料学会