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个人简介Personal Profile
李国法,教授,博导,2023年度小米青年学者、第四届中国科协青年托举人才、深圳市海外高层次人才。2010年本科毕业于北京理工大学机械与车辆学院,2016年博士毕业于清华大学汽车工程系(现车辆与运载学院),美国University of Michigan联合培养博士。研究方向为人工智能技术在智能网联汽车中的创新与应用。
先后主持国家自然科学基金2项,中国科协青年人才托举项目1项,省部级项目3项,全国重点实验室开放基金重点项目1项等。以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文70余篇,其中,8篇入选ESI高被引论文,1篇入选热点论文,参编英文专著1部、中文专著3部,获国家发明专利授权13项,美国专利授权1项。获机械工程学会突出贡献团队(排第3)、第六届中国科协优秀科技论文、Automotive Innovation期刊2020年度Best Paper等荣誉。担任IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing(IF=11.2)和IEEE Sensors Journal(IF=4.3)的Associate Editor,《机械工程学报》、《中国公路学报》和《Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation》的青年编委。
邮箱:liguofa@cqu.edu.cn; hanshan198@gmail.com
2012.08 – 2013.08,美国University of Michigan,UMTRI,Mechanical Engineering,联合培养博士
2010.09 – 2016.06,清华大学,汽车工程系,机械工程,博士
2006.09 – 2010.07,北京理工大学,机械与车辆学院,车辆工程,学士
2022.10 –至今,重庆大学,机械与运载工程学院
2016.07 – 2022.09,深圳大学,机电与控制工程学院
[1]G. Li,Y. Lin, X. Qu, “An infrared and visible image fusion method based on multi-scale transformation and norm optimization,”Information Fusion, vol. 71, pp. 109–129, 2021. (ESI高被引论文)
[2]G. Li,G. Wang, Z. Guo*, Q. Liu, X. Luo, B. Yuan, M. Li, L. Yang, “Domain Adaptive Driver Distraction Detection Based on Partial Feature Alignment and Confusion-Minimized Classification,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, early access, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2024.3367665, 2024.
[3]G. Li,Y. Lin, D. Ouyang, S. Li*, X. Luo, X. Qu, D. Pi, S. E. Li, “A RGB-thermal Image Segmentation Method based on Parameter Sharing and Attention Fusion for Safe Autonomous Driving,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, early access, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3332350, 2023.
[4]G. Li,X. Qian, X. Qu, “SOSMaskFuse: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Architecture Based on Salient Object Segmentation Mask,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 10118-10137, Sep. 2023.
[5]G. Li,Z. Ji, X. Qu*, “Stepwise Domain Adaptation (SDA) for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles Using an Adaptive CenterNet,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 17729–17743, Oct. 2022.
[6]Y. Chen,G. Li*,S. Li, W. Wang, S.E. Li, B. Cheng, “Exploring Behavioral Patterns of Lane Change Maneuvers for Human-Like Autonomous Driving,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 9, pp.14322-14335, Sep. 2022.
[7]G. Li,Y. Yang, S. Li, X. Qu*, N. Lyu, S.E. Li, “Decision making of autonomous vehicles in lane change scenarios: Deep reinforcement learning approaches with risk awareness,”Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 134, 103452, Jan. 2022. (ESI高被引论文)
[8]G. Li,Y. Yang, T. Zhang, X. Qu, D. Cao, B. Cheng, K. Li, “Risk assessment based collision avoidance decision-making for autonomous vehicles in multi-scenarios,”Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 122, 102820, Jan. 2021. (ESI高被引论文)
[9]G. Li,S. E. Li, B. Cheng, P. Green, “Estimation of driving style in naturalistic highway traffic using maneuver transition probabilities,”Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 74, pp. 113–125, Jan. 2017.
[10]G. Li,Delin Ouyang, Liu Yang, Qingkun Li*, Kai Tian, Baiheng Wu, Gang Guo, “Cross-subject EEG Linear Domain Adaption Based on Batch Normalization and Depthwise Convolutional Neural Network,”Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 213, 106617, Nov. 2023.
[11]G. Li,Y. Yang, X. Qu, D. Cao, K. Li, “A deep learning based image enhancement approach for autonomous driving at night,”Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 213, 106617, 2021. (ESI高被引论文)
[12]G. Li,Y. Qiu, Y. Yang, Z. Li, S. Li, W. Chu, P. Green, S. E. Li, “Lane change strategies for autonomous vehicles: a deep reinforcement learning approach based on transformer,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 2197–2211, Mar. 2023.
[13]G. Li,Z. Ji, X. Qu, R. Zhou, D. Cao, “Cross-Domain Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Stepwise Domain Adaptative YOLO Approach,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 603–615, Sep. 2022.
[14]G. Li,W. Yan, S. Li, X. Qu, D. Cao, “A temporal-spatial deep learning approach for driver distraction detection based on EEG signals,”IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 2665–2677, Oct. 2022.
[15]G. Li,W. Lai, X. Sui, X. Li, X. Qu, T. Zhang, Y. Li, “Influence of traffic congestion on driver behavior in post-congestion driving,”Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 141, 105508, 2020. (ESI高被引论文)
[16]G. Li,Y. Chen, D. Cao, X. Qu, B. Cheng, K. Li, “Extraction of descriptive driving patterns from driving data using unsupervised algorithms,”Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 156, 107589, 2021. (ESI高被引论文)
[17]S. E. Li,G. Li*,J. Yu, C. Liu, B. Cheng, J. Wang, K. Li, “Kalman filter-based tracking of moving objects using linear ultrasonic sensor array for road vehicles,”Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 98, pp. 173–189, Jan. 2018.
[18]G. Li,Y. Yang, X. Qu, “Deep learning approaches on pedestrian detection in hazy weather,”IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 8889–8899, Oct. 2020. (ESI高被引论文)
[19]G. Li,L. Yang, S. Li, X. Luo, X. Qu, P. Green, “Human-like decision-making of artificial drivers in intelligent transportation systems: an end-to-end driving behavior prediction approach,”IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 188–205, Nov.–Dec. 2022.
[20]G. Li,Y. Wang, F. Zhu, X. Sui, N. Wang, X. Qu, P. Green, “Drivers’ visual scanning behavior at signalized and unsignalized intersections: A naturalistic driving study in China,”Journal of Safety Research, vol. 71, pp. 219–229, 2019. (ESI高被引论文,热点论文)
其它相关论文,详见Google Scholar主页:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ho3H9IsAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
(1)Guofa Li; Yifan Yang; Shenglong Li; et al.; METHOD AND DEVICE FOR MONITORING DRIVING BEHAVIOR RISK DEGREE, US Patent, 88811-35/US1918986-1, Issued Date: 2023.03.24
(2)李国法;李盛龙;杨一帆;等;无人车驾驶决策方法、无人车驾驶决策装置及无人车,中国, ZL 201911113303.3,授权日期:2023.04.07
(3)李国法;黄莉莎;徐刚;等;安全预警方法、装置、计算设备及存储介质,中国, ZL 201911075397.X,授权日期:2023.04.07
(4)李国法;陈耀昱;赖伟鉴;等;时间序列数据组成模式的提取方法、装置及终端设备,中国, ZL 201911106309.8,授权日期:2022.07.05
(5)李国法;杨一帆;赖伟鉴;等;一种基于卷积神经网络的道路目标检测方法及装置,中国, ZL 201910931498.6,授权日期:2022.05.03
(6)李国法;朱方平;杨一帆;等;一种驾驶风格识别方法及装置,中国, ZL 201910565788.3,授权日期:2021.08.24
(7)李国法;杨一帆;李盛龙;等;一种驾驶行为危险度的监测方法及装置,中国, ZL 201911099408.8,授权日期:2021.02.12
(8)李国法;颜伟荃;赖伟鉴;等;一种检测驾驶员分心的方法及装置,中国, ZL 201910707858.4,授权日期:2021.01.29
(9)李升波;成波;李国法;等;基于驾驶模式转移概率的驾驶风格估计方法,中国, ZL 201610391483.1,授权日期:2019.04.05
(10)成波;李升波;李国法;等;一种驾驶行为危险度的监测评估方法,中国, ZL 201410777017.8,授权日期:2017.01.25
#Automotive Innovation: Best Paper Award
#IET Intelligent Transport Systems: Top Cited Article 2021-2022
#Sensors: Editor’s Choice Articles
#IFAC CPHS 2020: Best Student Paper
#NSK Sino-Japan Friendship Outstanding Paper Prize
# IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing: Associate Editor
# IEEE Sensors Journal: Associate Editor
#《Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation》:青年编委
# IEEE ITSC 2022-2024: Associate Editor
# IEEE IV 2024: Associate Editor
# IEEE Senior Member
# 2023年重庆市优秀本科毕设论文(设计)指导教师
# 2023届重庆大学优秀本科毕设论文(设计)指导教师
# 2023年重庆大学优秀毕业生指导教师
# 2023届重庆大学卓越工程师学院优秀毕业生指导教师