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个人信息Personal Information
教师英文名称:Fengwei Chen
个人简介Personal Profile
1 个人简介
2 科学研究
主要研究方向为无线电能传输系统集成技术、系统辨识与参数估计、电力电子系统建模与控制。作为项目负责人先后承担国家自然科学基金青年、面上项目,在国内外著名期刊如“Automatica”、IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics”等和重要国际会议上发表论文30余篇。担任国家自然科学基金评议专家、受邀为Automatica、JESTPE、Systems & Control Letters、IEEE TCST、Control Engineering Practice、Applied Energy、International Journal of Control、Nonlinear Dynamics、CSSP、MSSP等期刊,IEEE CDC、ACC、IFAC WC等国际会议审稿。
2.1 代表性项目为:
(1)重庆市科学技术局, 重庆市技术创新与应用发展重点项目, CSTB2023TIAD-KPX0076, 新能源大功率双向无线传能技术研发与应用, 2024-01 至 2026-12, 100万元, 在研, 主持
(2)**项目管理中心, **项目, **技术, 2022-10 至 2025-09, 200万元, 在研, 主持
(3)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 62073246, 面向电动汽车无线充电的系统辨识理论与应用, 2021-01至2024-12, 60万元, 在研, 主持
(4)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, 61703311, 基于非均匀采样数据的连续时间系统辨识研究, 2018-01至2020-12, 28万元, 结题, 主持
(5)中国博士后科学基金会, 面上项目, 2017M620335, 面向过程控制的连续时间时延系统辨识研究, 2018-01至2020-10, 8万元, 结题, 主持
2.2 代表性论文如下:
(1)F. Chen, H. Hu∗, L. Zhao, A. Padilla and J. Hou. A linear parameter-varying Hammerstein model for dynamic modeling of WPT systems.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(12):16230–16244, 2023.
(2)F. Chen, Z. Deng, H. Hu∗ and Y. Sun. Dynamic reduced-order modeling of wireless power transfer systems via polynomial approximation.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37(7):7540–7547, 2022.
(3)F. Chenand P. C. Young∗. A simple robust method of fractional time-delay estimation for linear dynamic systems.Automatica, 137, 110117, 2022.
(4)F. Chen∗, A. Padilla, P. C. Young and H. Garnier. Data-driven modeling of wireless power transfer systems with slowly time-varying parameters.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(11):12442–12456, 2020.
(5)F. Chen∗, P. C. Young, H. Garnier, Q. Deng∗ and M. K. Kazimierczuk. Data-driven modeling of wireless power transfer systems with multiple transmitters.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(11):11363–11379, 2020.
(6)F. Chen, H. Garnier, Q. Deng∗, M. K. Kazimierczuk and X. Zhuan. Control-oriented modeling of wireless power transfer systems with phase-shift control.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(2):2119–2134, 2020.
(7)F. Chen∗, H. Garnier, A. Padilla and M. Gilson. Recursive IV identification of continuous-time models with time-delay from sampled data.IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(3):1074–1082, 2020.
(8)F. Chen∗, H. Garnier, M. Gilson and X. Zhuan. Frequency domain identification of continuous-time output-error models with time-delay from relay feedback tests.Automatica, 98:180–189, 2018.
(9)F. Chen, X. Zhuan, H. Garnier∗ and M. Gilson. Issues in separable identification of continuous-time models with time-delay.Automatica, 94:258–273, 2018.
(10)F. Chen∗, J. C. Agüero, M. Gilson, H. Garnier and T. Liu. EM-based identification of continuous-time ARMA models from irregularly sampled data.Automatica, 77:293–301, 2017.
(11)F. Chen, M. Gilson∗, H. Garnier and T. Liu. Robust time-domain output error method for identifying continuous-time systems with time delay.Systems & Control Letters, 102:81–92, 2017.
(12)F. Chen, H. Garnier∗, M. Gilson, J. C. Agüero and T. Liu. Refined instrumental variable parameter estimation of continuous-time Box-Jenkins models from irregularly sampled data.IET Control Theory & Applications, 11(2):291-300, 2017.
(13)F. Chen∗ and T. Liu. Iterative identification of discrete-time output-error model with time delay.Journal of Central South University, 24:647-654, 2017.
(14)F. Chen, H. Garnier∗ and M. Gilson. Robust identification of continuous-time models with arbitrary time-delay from irregularly sampled data.Journal of Process Control, 25:19–27, 2015.
(1)Y. Fei,F. Chen∗, R. Gao, S. Zhao, et al. Oscillation frequency manipulation in autonomous WPT systems with series–series compensation.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 39(1):58–63, 2024.
(2)A. Padilla, H. Garnier, J. Yuz,F. Chenand C. Poblete. Identification of continuous-time linear parameter varying systems with noisy scheduling variable using local regression.IEEE Access, 12:34235–34246, 2024.
(3)J. Hou, H. Wang, H. Su,F. Chenand J. Liu. A bias-correction modeling method of Hammerstein–Wiener systems with polynomial nonlinearities using noisy measurements.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 213, 111329, 2024.
(4)Z. Deng, H. Hu∗, Y. Su,F. Chen, et al. Design of a 60-kW EV Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System With Dual Transmitters and Dual Receivers.IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 12(1):316–327, 2024.
(5)H. Hu, J. Su∗,F. Chenand Y. Sun. Modularized inductive power transfer systems with inherent impedance decoupling for high-power applications.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71(2):1492–1502, 2024.
(6)S. Zhao, C. Tang∗,F. Chen, D. Zhao, et al. Modeling and control of the WPT system subject to input nonlinearity and communication delay.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(11):14776–14787, 2023.
(7)Z. Liu, H. Hu∗, Y. Su, Y. Sun,F. Chenand P. Deng. Double-receiver compact SCC-WPT system with CV/CC output for mobile devices charging/supply.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 38(7):9230–9245, 2023.
(8)Z. Li, Q. Deng∗,F. Chen, P. Sun, J. Liu, W. Hu and H. Zhou. Receding horizon D-optimal input design for identification of wireless power transfer systems.IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 11(3):3597–3606, 2023.
(9)J. Hou∗, J. Liu,F. Chen∗, P. Li∗, T. Zhang, J. Jiang and X. Chen. Robust lithium-ion state-of charge and battery parameters joint estimation based on an enhanced adaptive unscented Kalman filter.Energy, 271, 126998, 2023.
(10)J. Hou∗, H. Su, C. Yu,F. Chen, P. Li, H. Xie∗ and T. Li. Consistent subspace identification of errors in variables Hammerstein systems.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53(4):2292–2303, 2023.
(11)J. Hou∗, H. Su, C. Yu,F. Chen∗ and P. Li∗. Bias-correction errors-in-variables Hammerstein model identification.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 70(7):7268–7279, 2023.
(12)P. C. Young∗ andF. Chen. Monitoring and forecasting the COVID-19 epidemic in the UK.Annual Reviews in Control, 51:488–499, 2021.
(13)J. Hou,F. Chen∗, P. Li and Z. Zhu. Gray-box parsimonious subspace identification of Hammerstein-type systems.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(10):9941–9951, 2021.
(14)H. Zhou, J. Chen, Q. Deng∗,F. Chen∗, et al. Input-series output-equivalent-parallel multi-inverter system for high-voltage and high-power wireless power transfer.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36(1):228–238, 2021.
(15)Q. Deng, Y. Cheng*,F. Chen∗, et al. Wired/Wireless hybrid charging system for electrical vehicles with minimum rated power requirement for DC module.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(10):10889–10898, 2020.
(16)J. Chen, H. Zhou, Q. Deng∗,F. Chen∗, et al. Free positioning wireless power transfer system based on one-to-multiple topology.IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35(10):9959–9964, 2020.
(17)A. Padilla∗, H. Garnier, P. C. Young,F. Chenand J. I. Yuz. Identification of continuous-time models with slowly time-varying parameters.Control Engineering Practice, 10416, 2019.
(18)J. Hou∗,F. Chen∗, P. Li, L. Sun and F. Zhao. Recursive parsimonious subspace identification for closed-loop Hammerstein nonlinear systems.IEEE Access, 7:173515-173523, 2019.
(19)J. Hou∗,F. Chen, P. Li and Z. Zhu. Prior knowledge based subspace identification for batch processes.Journal of Process Control, 82:22–30, 2019.
(20)J. Hou∗,F. Chen, P. Li and Z. Zhu. Fixed point iteration based subspace identification of Hammerstein state-space models.IET Control Theory & Applications, 13(8):1173–1181, 2019.
(21)J. Hou∗,F. Chen, P. Li and Z. Zhu. An improved consistent subspace identification method using parity space for state-space models.International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 17(5):1167–1176, 2019.
(22)T. Liu∗, S. Dong,F. Chenand D. Li, Identification of discrete-time output error model using filtered input excitation for integrating processes with time delay.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(5):2524-2530, 2017.
(23)J. Hou, T. Liu∗ andF. Chen, Orthogonal projection based subspace identification against colored noise.Control Theory & Technology, 15(1):69-77, 2017.
(24)R. Yan, T. Liu∗,F. Chenand S. Dong, Gradient-based step response identification of overdamped processes with time delay.Systems Science & Control Engineering, 3:504-513, 2015.